Started on a VLCD yesterday, ahhh all I can think about, see and smell is food, awful :-( could (almost) cry


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Started on a VLCD yesterday, ahhh all I can think about, see and smell is food, awful :-( could (almost) cry

    What's the rush?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,019 Member
    Very low calorie diet or very low carb diet........regardless, neither are set up for success, good luck with it.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Maybe you should try eating a reasonable amount of calories instead of starving yourself.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Started on a VLCD yesterday, ahhh all I can think about, see and smell is food, awful :-( could (almost) cry

    Why put yourself through that?
    You don't have to rush it,eat more. Just eat healthy,clean non processed foods and you'll lose the weight!

    You really shouldn't feel miserable while changing your eating habits!
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    There is going to be food everywhere you turn, around every corner for the rest of your life. it will be on TV. In Magazines, on billboards and ads right in your face 24/7. You friends and family will eat it right in front of you. They will even offer it to you.

    All you can do is use your willpower. i used it to quit smoking less than a year ago. Now I find the smell of cigarettes repulsive and I spend the money on supplements instead.

    When you go outside you will smell food wafting through the air. That isn't even the smell of them cooking it though. It's a smell that certain restaurants pump out just to make you start salivating and want their msg laden high fat calorie dense "foods". You will have to walk past the foods every time you go shopping and fight against a lifetime of build in urges to consume.

    You should try thinking about how unhealthy some of that "food" really is, like Chicken Mcnuggets with 15% silicon, made from hormonally grown chickens and GMO products that are designed to give you cancer and sterilise you even as they make you obese and drive you ever closer to diabetes and heart disease.

    Do you want to die of cancer or a heart attack? Spend all your life watching your blood sugar and jabbing yourself with a needle to get that insulin going again? Do you want to die lucystrut?

    No? then ignore the fake plastic GMO MSG poison. and eat a healthy reasonable diet. You can do it.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you are already feeling this miserable, it will get worse, and you'll have a good chance of binging. Try eating what MFP told you to unless your doctor put you on this. If it is doctor prescribed, talk to your doc.
  • lucystrut
    lucystrut Posts: 27 Member
    myself and my partner are trying for a baby and are on the waiting list for IVF treatment, I have to take my BMI (37) down to be accepted for treatment, and the more I can bring it down (to a healthy level only, obviously) the more chance of successful treatment. Lost around 1.5stone in 3months on diet chef but got bored with the regime, it wasn't coming off quick enough and I started cheating and put 1/2 a stone back on. A friend recently lost 11.5stone in 10months on Lighter Life, and I thought a similar VLCD would give me the burst I need. Hers was a total abstinence programme tho, only shakes/mealpacks, I am to have 4 shakes/meal packs and a protein based snack daily on this, and every 4th week a low-carb evening meal is allowed. Yesterday and today worked out around 600cals and 20g carb each day. Its tough going though, I work above a Subway and it's driving me insane!
  • DebbsBee
    DebbsBee Posts: 13
    I wish you luck and obviously it's up to you how you want to diet but I would urge caution! I started out trying to eat as few calories as humanly possible and cracked within about three days and stuffed my face with chocolate because I was hungry, depressed and desperate for a treat. That's how I ended up on here instead, eating the number of calories this website recommends means I can have a little treat every now and again as long as I excercise to earn it and I promise it does work, the weight is coming off slower but it's staying off too. Please don't make yourself want to cry, it's not worth it! :-)
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I have to agree, with others here. If you hate every minute you are on it and it is torturing you and all you can think about is food then you won't stick with it. Make this a long term thing and not a diet. Your body will thank you for it and you will be more likely to continue to do it as well as keep the weight off.
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    good luck!
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    VLCDs are only a temporary fix or a quick start. What happens when that ends and you have to be able to lose eating real foods? Far better to lose eating real foods and to get to know portion sizes and what you can eat freely as early as possible I'd say. You'll not be able to be on a VCLD once you are pregnant but will need to know how to eat healthily.
  • lucystrut
    lucystrut Posts: 27 Member
    thanks guys....I know I've not given it a chance really yet, it's only day 2, and I've been the same on any diet by day 2 - in fact I've probs cheated by day 2! Guess I just wanted a moan, I haven't told anyone I'm trying it except my partner incase I fail
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    good luck
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I guess it depends on if its very low calories for YOU compared to how many calories you usually eat or very low calories for humans in general.

    Do some research on how many calories your body size needs to maintain your current weight, then subtract 10-15 %.

    You didnt gain the extra weight rapidly and the reverse will be true.

    Make getting to a healthy weight fun and exciting. Pay attention to how you are feeling. Imagine clean pure water flushing away the unwanted junk. Drtink a lot of it.

    Breathe deep and often.

    Get outside and walk, walk, walk,

    Enjoy yourself. You are getting healthy and it feels good.

    To do this, we need energy from food. A VLCD will not let you enjoy the journey.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    thanks guys....I know I've not given it a chance really yet, it's only day 2, and I've been the same on any diet by day 2 - in fact I've probs cheated by day 2! Guess I just wanted a moan, I haven't told anyone I'm trying it except my partner incase I fail
    I would give it a week and the hunger will probably subside. Does this one come with counselling ?
  • lucystrut
    lucystrut Posts: 27 Member
    thanks guys....I know I've not given it a chance really yet, it's only day 2, and I've been the same on any diet by day 2 - in fact I've probs cheated by day 2! Guess I just wanted a moan, I haven't told anyone I'm trying it except my partner incase I fail
    I would give it a week and the hunger will probably subside. Does this one come with counselling ?

    Thats what my friend said, she said after a week she wasnt hungry and was pinging with energy the whole time - it's one tough week tho if this is day 2, I've been told I'm going to to feel awful days 3 to 5 :-/ :-(

    yes it does I am in to see her again on Saturday and she said to phone between now and then to let her know how I'm gettin on
  • tcm118
    tcm118 Posts: 54
    You should try thinking about how unhealthy some of that "food" really is, like Chicken Mcnuggets with 15% silicon, made from hormonally grown chickens and GMO products that are designed to give you cancer and sterilise you even as they make you obese and drive you ever closer to diabetes and heart disease.

    Seriously? You think GMO products are designed to give you cancer and sterilize you? Do you have any clue what you're talking about? GMO products are designed to A. grow more food in less space, B. increase nutritional content (such as beta carotene in golden rice) in a given food, and C. in some cases increase resistance to pests thereby reducing or eliminating the need to use pesticides.
  • Snowbird73
    Snowbird73 Posts: 25
    I just started out in my quest for weight loss last month and immediately tried to follow a very low calorie diet (VLCD) program. That is, until I started using a scale that shows my percentage of lean body mass (LBM) to fat and learned that all I was losing was LBM. For me, the My Fitness Pal recommendations for caloric intake in conjunction with Fitbit recommendations for exercise are far more effective in shedding actual FAT than a VLCD. I use the Aria scale which uploads my weight data to my Fitbit account at http://www.fitbit.com.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    That to me doesn’t sound sustainable. If one loses weight doing something that isn’t sustainable, the weight-loss is not likely to be sustainable either.

    Why not take a step back and look at your lifestyle and look to see what small steps you can take as a means to changing your lifestyle and thus manifesting weight-loss and better health??

    I understand the desire to want to be where you want to be and like now.. but unfortunately, that type of weight-loss doesn’t usually last.

    Good Luck!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Good luck. I'm now trying to repair my awful metabolism that was ruined by being on a VLCD diet. I felt successful for having lost the weight, but now I'm left with a body that hates me and gains weight if I eat over 1200 calories (like a normal human being should).

    Once you end this diet, even if it works for the time you're on it, you will gain weight and feel terrible. It's 4 years after my VLCD weight loss and I am still not back to normal.

    Obviously I don't suggest going down this road.