Wanna start INSANITY with me??



  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    "INSANITY" Pure Cardio&Cardio Abs ...Another great workout and I love Cardio Abs

    I just finished Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs as well! I definitely feel the burn in my abs today!!! Shaun T really works us!!! Love it!!!
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    I'm had to take a few days off last week so I'm a little behind but I'm on week 2 and I'm lovin it! My endurance has already gone up. I can't believe it.
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    Oh yeah...and I also gained weight but I am still chugging along since I was able to button a pair of pants today that I haven't been able to in a long time.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    "INSANITY" Pure Cardio&Cardio Abs
    Did this dvd over bc my partner need to. I will do my 2nd fit test Monday!

    A lot of ppl are saying that I look smaller even though my weight has went up....I am not discouraged yet! :blushing:
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    Heck yeah. I want in! I'm downloading it now!

    Where did you download it?
  • jmnixon14
    jmnixon14 Posts: 5
    starting week 4 today! i think i'm starting to feel results - my arms and legs feel a bit firmer, but the scale is not reflecting it. has anyone else been experiencing this and feeling down about it?!
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    starting week 4 today! i think i'm starting to feel results - my arms and legs feel a bit firmer, but the scale is not reflecting it. has anyone else been experiencing this and feeling down about it?!

    I am experiencing it right now! I'm on week 3 and I only lost a pound so far. I was feeling kinda sad because the scale wasn't moving but I read from other threads that it's normal and that it's all measurements so I'm gonna stick to that!

    This past weekend, my mother-in-law came to visit and she said that I looked thinner and my sister-in-law said that I look more toned so this makes me feel like the program is working! =)

    Hope everyone had a great Father's Day weekend! Remember to dig deeper everyone!!! =)
  • jmnixon14
    jmnixon14 Posts: 5
    Thanks for the reply - and congrats on the comments from your fam!! "Recovery" week is next week, then I can't even imagine what Shaun T has in store for us during Month 2...
  • lrapp28
    lrapp28 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm in week recovery week and haven't seen the weight come off the scale but people are starting to comment and asking me what I'm doing so it must be working
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    It's certainly challenging to do this 6 times a week. I do it about 5 times a week. Im on week 3 now and I just started to shed some lbs but I gained the first two weeks.

    Insanity is working though. I can barely keep my pants on! Pants on the ground!
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    Heck yeah. I want in! I'm downloading it now!

    Where did you download it?

    My hubby did it for me. Most likely a bit torrent site?
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Thanks for the reply - and congrats on the comments from your fam!! "Recovery" week is next week, then I can't even imagine what Shaun T has in store for us during Month 2...

    Yea, I have no idea but I heard it's gonna get more crazy! I'm so glad next week is Recovery week!

    Today, I finished Week 4 Day 5 doing Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs. I can't believe this is my last time doing this workout! Pure Cardio has been the hardest for me b/c Shaun T doesn't give us a water break till at the end of the workout! Shaun T is crazy! lol

    Tomorrow will be my last day doing Plyometric Cardio Circuit and then I am done with Month 1! I am just in awe how I am able to stick to this program and I'm so proud to have done it! I am feeling stronger each day and I'm actually seeing myself getting slimmer! I'm going to take measurements next week during Recovery week to see how many inch(es) I have lost! I am excited to see the results after doing one month of Insanity!
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    I hvnt done insanity in a couple of days...I'm so ashame! I will get back at it today
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    starting week 4 today! i think i'm starting to feel results - my arms and legs feel a bit firmer, but the scale is not reflecting it. has anyone else been experiencing this and feeling down about it?!

    the scales havent moved much for mein month 1 but my stomach is noticbly flatter and my back fat is melting yay! currently doing month 2 (day 3) and it is kicking my butt! wow, these are tougher and longer exercises. most people ive spoken to notice a bg difference in month 2. so keep pushing and you will see results. also my endurance is so much better, im running faster! good luck