I like skinny girls...



  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Fit, trim, in shape girls.

    Nothing beats a girl that takes care of her body.



    Men with your attitude are a contributing factor to the disgusting and disturbing number of women in this country who are anorectic and bulimic. And ps, there are A LOT more skinny women who are UNHEALTHY than there are good-sized girls that are unhealthy.

    So learn something new today. If you love skinny girls that's fine. But don't go out and say that only skinny girls take care of themselves. That's wrong and totally inappropriate for this type of environment.
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I love a girl who likes bacon, beer, and can look at herself in the mirror and say, "DAMN! I AM HOT!"

    She also has to like to cuddle with me and not hate me because I don't eat cheese.

    /all girls have the ability to be beautiful, some just choose to ignore it.

    I agree with this. Beauty takes effort. I think being fit and healthy is more attractive than either extreme (super skinny or super fat).
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Fit, trim, in shape girls.

    Nothing beats a girl that takes care of her body.



    Men with your attitude are a contributing factor to the disgusting and disturbing number of women in this country who are anorectic and bulimic. And ps, there are A LOT more skinny women who are UNHEALTHY than there are good-sized girls that are unhealthy.

    So learn something new today. If you love skinny girls that's fine. But don't go out and say that only skinny girls take care of themselves. That's wrong and totally inappropriate for this type of environment.

    I highly doubt your "p.s".
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member

    ^^ This!
  • xxcatyxx555
    xxcatyxx555 Posts: 184
    I like 36 - 24 - 36!

    If she is 5'3"

    hate to break it to you I'm 41-32-41 and I'm beautiful. I don't care if society tells me to live up to people who agree with you. I'm more valuable and intelligent than to blindly follow.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    any time now...
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    Bah, Like the great Freddie Mercury said, "Fat Bottomed Girls You make the Rockin' World Go Round.!"

    You're quoting a man who had no interest in women...

    Oh SNAP!
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    cheetos-girl-in-bath.jpg Cheese Puff?
    haha this was awesome!!!
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    Fit, trim, in shape girls.

    Nothing beats a girl that takes care of her body.



    Men with your attitude are a contributing factor to the disgusting and disturbing number of women in this country who are anorectic and bulimic. And ps, there are A LOT more skinny women who are UNHEALTHY than there are good-sized girls that are unhealthy.

    So learn something new today. If you love skinny girls that's fine. But don't go out and say that only skinny girls take care of themselves. That's wrong and totally inappropriate for this type of environment.

    I highly doubt your "p.s".

    really? then explain that despite the fact that I still need to lose 81 pounds my blood pressure is low normal and all my blood work comes back looking perfect? Also my mother is the same way she needs to lose 100 pounds, her blood pressure is perfect and all of her blood work is as well. Normal cholesterol, great triglycerides, all those heart disease factors caused by obesity, not there.
  • SuperSneaky
    SuperSneaky Posts: 43
    This thread reminds me of a joke.........What do scooters and (*edit*: "large") women have in common?

    Fun to ride, but you'd never let your buddies catch you on one.

    Fat girls know all of the fat girl jokes.

    Truth. You made me smile. ;)
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Fit, trim, in shape girls.

    Nothing beats a girl that takes care of her body.



    Men with your attitude are a contributing factor to the disgusting and disturbing number of women in this country who are anorectic and bulimic. And ps, there are A LOT more skinny women who are UNHEALTHY than there are good-sized girls that are unhealthy.

    So learn something new today. If you love skinny girls that's fine. But don't go out and say that only skinny girls take care of themselves. That's wrong and totally inappropriate for this type of environment.
    He is stating a preference...just like the guy who likes big girls. Both are equally valid.
  • asphyxiac
    asphyxiac Posts: 12 Member
    Bah, Like the great Freddie Mercury said, "Fat Bottomed Girls You make the Rockin' World Go Round.!"

    You realize that you're quoting a song by a gay man written to tease his bandmate, who was a notorious chubby chaser?

    Anyway, I like fit girls as well. 34-24-36 'cause I prefer a nice, firm, round rump and an itty bitty waist...

    Big breasts aren't as important to me, I want them to look athletic.

    I think this is normal, evolutionary imperative and all.

    I'm much more tolerant of some chub on girls. Even a slightly overweight man turns me off completely. For girls, I don't care is she's a little soft as long as long as she's got a good figure (see measurements). For dudes... washboard or bust, baby. Men have no excuse. Every guy I know puts muscle/lean mass on at rate several times that of girls. Really, no excuse.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Fit, trim, in shape girls.

    Nothing beats a girl that takes care of her body.



    Men with your attitude are a contributing factor to the disgusting and disturbing number of women in this country who are anorectic and bulimic. And ps, there are A LOT more skinny women who are UNHEALTHY than there are good-sized girls that are unhealthy.

    So learn something new today. If you love skinny girls that's fine. But don't go out and say that only skinny girls take care of themselves. That's wrong and totally inappropriate for this type of environment.

    Are you sure that you have the correct definition of skinny? I always felt that skinny had to do with body fat percentages.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Fit, trim, in shape girls.

    Nothing beats a girl that takes care of her body.



    Men with your attitude are a contributing factor to the disgusting and disturbing number of women in this country who are anorectic and bulimic. And ps, there are A LOT more skinny women who are UNHEALTHY than there are good-sized girls that are unhealthy.

    So learn something new today. If you love skinny girls that's fine. But don't go out and say that only skinny girls take care of themselves. That's wrong and totally inappropriate for this type of environment.

    I highly doubt your "p.s".

    really? then explain that despite the fact that I still need to lose 81 pounds my blood pressure is low normal and all my blood work comes back looking perfect? Also my mother is the same way she needs to lose 100 pounds, her blood pressure is perfect and all of her blood work is as well. Normal cholesterol, great triglycerides, all those heart disease factors caused by obesity, not there.

    Fortunate genetics.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    According to many studies (see Martin Tovee studies and other studies also prove this fact). Men prefer a BMI of 17-21.
    So, all in all, men like skinny/healthy women. No arguing science.
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    Fit, trim, in shape girls.

    Nothing beats a girl that takes care of her body.


    Nicely said and i agree 99.9%, you should have added confidence, this would have made it 100%! I think that's why 95% of women signed up for MFP... or I could just be speaking about me here.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I would rather be a fat girl with a pretty face than a skinny girl with an ugly face. I see them all the time. Men too. They look good from far away, but then BAM! Ugly face.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I would rather be a fat girl with a pretty face than a skinny girl with an ugly face. I see them all the time. Men too. They look good from far away, but then BAM! Ugly face.

    Where I am from, we call them Scuds.
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    Haha this is ridiculous

    Also , "I'd rather be the most interesting person in the room than the most attractive." I have no idea who I'm quoting but it is a quote. I think it was said by someone who realized that no one will remember you if you were hot when you were 20, everyone is hot when they are in their 20's even the 20 year old unattractive people are hotter, you're not special.
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I would rather be a fat girl with a pretty face than a skinny girl with an ugly face. I see them all the time. Men too. They look good from far away, but then BAM! Ugly face.

    Completely agree... Most people can lose weight (with effort) and get in shape. You can't really lose ugly. Unless you have 10k+ to waste away on a plastic face =).
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