No Thyroid



  • frankensteinsbride28
    I had my thyroid removed in March, and I put on quite a bit of weight after that. I had been struggling with it for almost 2 years before they removed it after finding a tumor.
    I am finally, very slowly, losing a small amoutn of weight at a time. Its so hard, I feel for you! good luck, and keep at it!
  • cin714
    cin714 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone, I had a partial thyroidectomy in June (papillary cancer). I have been overweight for the past 16 years and after symptoms, medications and ultimately surgery I decided that I really needed to live a healthier life. In the past when I've lost weight, it melted off fairly easily but not this time. I'm 3 weeks into watching my calories and working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio - Zumba and 3 days of strength training) and have not lost one single pound. As I started scouring the internet for advice, I stumbled upon this thread. It gives me hope.

    I have an appointment this week with a new endo, haven't seen the last one since before my surgery. I feel like I have more questions than ever. I still suffer from fatigue even though I'm on 125 mcg of levothyroxine. The last endo spent 5 minutes with me, not an exageration, to tell me he would order an FNA. I never saw him after that, he called me to tell me about the cancer and referred me to an ENT so I really don't know how the endo is supposed to help me or even what he will do besides order labs. Any suggestions about what to ask or waht to expect? I should say prior to seeing him after a suspicious ultrasound, I had never seen an endo. My pcp had been treating me with meds only.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Hi Nichole and all. I too have essentially no thyroid, it's there but has never worked. My mom used to crush my synthroid between 2 spoons and mix it with water to give me as a baby b/c it only came in pill form. Hopefully that has changed.

    Nichole, recently I went almost vegan. I say almost b/c I still eat greek yogurt once per day and I eat boneless skinless chicken breasts. I just couldn't give it all up and wanted to do something I could sustain. I try to eat plant-based foods (Lots of green stuff!) as much as possible, with the exceptions noted. It has been a bit challenging sometimes, and I do succumb to the occasional bread or cheese temptation, but only once per week or so. I absolutely LOVE to eat cheese but funny enough I have had pizza 3 times (only one slice each time) since then and every time I ended up with horrible stomach cramps afterwards.

    Some may say they could never do this, but having lost nine pounds in the last month (since July 11 without changing my exercise routine) has convinced me that this is the lifestyle that works for my body. I have always struggled with my weight, from being a grossly obese baby and child onward. Since April I have lost over 30 lbs, and I have about 10 lbs. to goal. I am excited to think I can sustain this loss.

    And Nichole, great job cutting out sodas!!! That can be hard. I think once you get used to not drinking them, you will find the taste not so exciting. If you do still like it, maybe one per week or so would be a nice treat...
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    Hello everyone, I had a partial thyroidectomy in June (papillary cancer). I have been overweight for the past 16 years and after symptoms, medications and ultimately surgery I decided that I really needed to live a healthier life. In the past when I've lost weight, it melted off fairly easily but not this time. I'm 3 weeks into watching my calories and working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio - Zumba and 3 days of strength training) and have not lost one single pound. As I started scouring the internet for advice, I stumbled upon this thread. It gives me hope.

    I have an appointment this week with a new endo, haven't seen the last one since before my surgery. I feel like I have more questions than ever. I still suffer from fatigue even though I'm on 125 mcg of levothyroxine. The last endo spent 5 minutes with me, not an exageration, to tell me he would order an FNA. I never saw him after that, he called me to tell me about the cancer and referred me to an ENT so I really don't know how the endo is supposed to help me or even what he will do besides order labs. Any suggestions about what to ask or waht to expect? I should say prior to seeing him after a suspicious ultrasound, I had never seen an endo. My pcp had been treating me with meds only.

    Essentially you need to see someone who will spend more than 5 minutes with you. If you are fatigued, then your level is not right. Your levels are more than just the tsh level. You need to tell your doc about your concerns, fatigued etc. If you are always on the hot side/cold side mention that too. I know what it is like to always be tired. NOT FUN once they get your levels normalized you will be back to your old self and your weight will come off! :)
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Nichole and all. I too have essentially no thyroid, it's there but has never worked. My mom used to crush my synthroid between 2 spoons and mix it with water to give me as a baby b/c it only came in pill form. Hopefully that has changed.

    Nichole, recently I went almost vegan. I say almost b/c I still eat greek yogurt once per day and I eat boneless skinless chicken breasts. I just couldn't give it all up and wanted to do something I could sustain. I try to eat plant-based foods (Lots of green stuff!) as much as possible, with the exceptions noted. It has been a bit challenging sometimes, and I do succumb to the occasional bread or cheese temptation, but only once per week or so. I absolutely LOVE to eat cheese but funny enough I have had pizza 3 times (only one slice each time) since then and every time I ended up with horrible stomach cramps afterwards.

    Some may say they could never do this, but having lost nine pounds in the last month (since July 11 without changing my exercise routine) has convinced me that this is the lifestyle that works for my body. I have always struggled with my weight, from being a grossly obese baby and child onward. Since April I have lost over 30 lbs, and I have about 10 lbs. to goal. I am excited to think I can sustain this loss.

    And Nichole, great job cutting out sodas!!! That can be hard. I think once you get used to not drinking them, you will find the taste not so exciting. If you do still like it, maybe one per week or so would be a nice treat...

    Nope I think synthroid is still on in pill form :/ poor little babies!

    I have read a lot about how we as hypothyroid patients digest carbs differently and need to cut out the "bad" bread and pasta! I think the best thing to do is just find the diet that helps your body out the best...i'm testing certain things out right now...but I am sooooo glad you found what works for you! ( Even though you are right, I could NEVER go vegan...cheese is one of my FAV snacks! lol)
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    ....But have a few challenges to overcome. One is that my little girl (3 in September) was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease last September. It's terminal and there's no treatment for it, but all her specialists say she is exceeding expectations and could possibly make it to her teens......Another challenge is that because we are unable to use any kind of formal care options for Angela, I rarely get time to myself. This means I have become fairly isolated, and lack consistent support or encouragement. I started on this site a couple of weeks ago, and am enjoying it. This past week has seen me step back as Angela has had a hard week which means I have been even more time poor and unable to get online for a few days, let alone doing any exercise for the week. It would be great to chat and keep up with fellow Thyroid mates and cheer each other on. I am pretty lonely, and the week I was exercising and on this site went a long way towards helping the loneliness and lifting some of the down days. This week has been a bit emotional - it can be confronting when she is struggling, and even more so when I feel like I am not getting what I need.
    .......I hope that I don't sound negative.

    Sorry, I know I'm going off topic but I'm so sorry to read this Wil. Please feel free to PM if you ever need to chat. And no, you definitely do not sound negative. I just hear an amazingly strong person come through your post. x
  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I think this is a common condition. I have low thyroid levels and I have only just realised I don't have to believe all the people who told me I was lazy throughout my life! After starting the levothyroxine I have been going to the gym and two martial arts clubs so the mind was willing but the flesh was (and still is) weak.

    Oh, I am new by the way, just started using the food diary this week.
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    No you are not LAZY! Trust me low/not accurate levels means NO energy...I can sleep all day if my meds are not right and it is miserable!!
  • Lissa5293
    Hello my name is Lisa and i read your report, I was wanting to know if you can give me so more advise, I also have had my thyroid removed and i feel like i have given up hope on ever losing weight. But anything you can think of would help out. Thank You
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    Hello my name is Lisa and i read your report, I was wanting to know if you can give me so more advise, I also have had my thyroid removed and i feel like i have given up hope on ever losing weight. But anything you can think of would help out. Thank You

    Nothing will be effective until your levels are right...I would advise you to work very closely with an ENDO not an MD....MDs know a little about a lot while an endocrinologist specializes in the body system that the thyroid belongs too! Also, cut the carbs since our bodies tend to store them diff like someone else posted earlier in this thread!
    Good Luck to you!
  • bigdogc23
    If anyone that has hypothyroidism wants to add me please feel free. I am all about learning about it. I have dealt with it for about 5 years now and on medication and even tho I have been on meds it has still made losing weight a pain in the ASSSS.... I'm finaly learning that it isn't just taking a pill and you're healthy.

    With being in the Army, physical fitness is pretty much second nature, but I have to go farther and beyond the norm to get any results. I am a carb nut, so there may be more to this than just excercise and counting calories.
  • Stephib10
    Stephib10 Posts: 152 Member
    Just had my thyroid removed 5 days ago and have not been given a prescription for replacement meds. Don't see the endo for another 12 days. I guess they aren't giving me hormones in the hopes they can do RAI quite soon. I'm feeling stressed about the lack of power I'm feeling. As well, the weight gain thing is always on my mind. I'm hoping I can avoid it by staying under my calorie goal...should I decrease this number until i get the hormone or will a 1400 net keep my weight in check???? Any advice?
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone, I just joined today and looking forward to the support and accountability here.

    I had my thyroid levels checked about a year ago and was told they were 'perfect' then when I actually went in for a physical I was told I had hypothyroidism and have been taking Levo since March. At my last testing (June) my levels were normal. I haven't lost weight, but have maintained my weight.

    Some of the comments about Levo vs Synthroid are interesting yet confusing. I also suffer from clinical depression and years ago my psychiatrist put me on Synthroid then took me off. My recent psychiatrist said because it works differently and it was being used to treat my depression not hypothyroidism.

    That is where I stand. Looking forward to interacting with others here.
  • Ceres77
    Ceres77 Posts: 10
    I was diagnosed hypothyroid (Hashimoto's) at 12, right when I hit puberty--great time to have your thyroid hormone out of whack, right?

    Even with my levels normal on synthroid, I still have a pretty sluggish metabolism--but I also have to own up to a lot of my weight gain being from stress eating. I've lost before and know I can do it again (and this time around learn healthy habits that will stick!), but sometimes it's hard to not to get frustrated at how slow it can be with a wonky thyroid.

    It's a comfort to know there's so many folks here with the same issue! I'm new around here and looking for some friends, so please feel free to add me if you'd like! :-)
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    I was diagnosed hypothyroid (Hashimoto's) at 12, right when I hit puberty--great time to have your thyroid hormone out of whack, right?

    Even with my levels normal on synthroid, I still have a pretty sluggish metabolism--but I also have to own up to a lot of my weight gain being from stress eating. I've lost before and know I can do it again (and this time around learn healthy habits that will stick!), but sometimes it's hard to not to get frustrated at how slow it can be with a wonky thyroid.

    It's a comfort to know there's so many folks here with the same issue! I'm new around here and looking for some friends, so please feel free to add me if you'd like! :-)

    How do we add others as friends here? Thanks.
  • Ceres77
    Ceres77 Posts: 10
    I was diagnosed hypothyroid (Hashimoto's) at 12, right when I hit puberty--great time to have your thyroid hormone out of whack, right?

    Even with my levels normal on synthroid, I still have a pretty sluggish metabolism--but I also have to own up to a lot of my weight gain being from stress eating. I've lost before and know I can do it again (and this time around learn healthy habits that will stick!), but sometimes it's hard to not to get frustrated at how slow it can be with a wonky thyroid.

    It's a comfort to know there's so many folks here with the same issue! I'm new around here and looking for some friends, so please feel free to add me if you'd like! :-)

    How do we add others as friends here? Thanks.

    Go to the profile page of the person you want to add by clicking on their name/avatar, and there's a green button at the top of their profile that says "Add as friend". :-)
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    Just had my thyroid removed 5 days ago and have not been given a prescription for replacement meds. Don't see the endo for another 12 days. I guess they aren't giving me hormones in the hopes they can do RAI quite soon. I'm feeling stressed about the lack of power I'm feeling. As well, the weight gain thing is always on my mind. I'm hoping I can avoid it by staying under my calorie goal...should I decrease this number until i get the hormone or will a 1400 net keep my weight in check???? Any advice?

    What are your cals now? I would recommend prob to just keep doing what you are doing ( if you are eating your cals in a HEALTHY way) If not maybe cut your cals back and eat foods with less fat. Good luck!
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    I had my entire thyroid removed some years ago. Afterwards, it was a long process to get my medication level adjusted. I gained a lot of weight (and was tired and cranky I might add).

    Please be patient with yourself and the process. You will prevail if you just hang in there.

    Hi Linder, what levels seemed to work best for you? I know we are all different, but my endo states she will allow me to become -unsuppressed (had my thyroid removed as well) ... did you lose weight while still suppressed? I have only gained.

    I also have had a roller coaster ride of TSh,t4 and t3 levels.... just a side note, nothing seems to stay in one spot no matter what med levels I take. I just switched to Tirosint, from synthroid, hoping perhaps the fillers in Synthroid were part of the problem?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    This thread is from 2012.

    FYI, MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group:
  • love2run2az
    Hi Nicole,
    Welcome to the site. I have the same thyroid issue, and as a result hypothyrodism. As a result, we must be even more diligent with our food choices than most people. Let's not focus on the excuses and be there to support each other.