Sugar substitutes?

salto Posts: 30 Member
Are there any good sugar substitutes out there? I can't stand equal/sweet n low/splenda/truvia - blech! They all taste horrible and give me a headache. But I know I need to cut out the sugar I put in my coffee. Has anyone found any sugar alternatives that don't taste like gasoline?


  • jenniferc536
    Have you tried agave nectar?
  • EllenGould
    EllenGould Posts: 30 Member
    I'm surprised you don't like splenda, I really can't taste a difference with it. I couldn't stand the taste of diet pop so my daughter had me start mixing it half and half and I couldn't taste the diet in it, then slowly cut out the regular pop now I can't stand the taste of the regular pop. Maybe you could do that with the sugar for your coffee till you acquire a taste for the substitute.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I dislike artificial sweeteners. Most taste incredibly bitter to me, and I don't like all the effects I read about.
    I use either regular sugar, brown sugar, or honey. Sometimes I use agave nectar, but I've read some conflicting statements on how your body metabolises it.

    For me, I'd rather have the extra calories and not the chemicals.