Food allergies!

elsll Posts: 14 Member
I just found out that I've basically been killing myself. After 2-3 years of chronic illness (sinus infection, stomach issues, fatigue, brain fog, even brain lesions) one of my many doctors finally had the insight to allergy test me. I've always had what I thought was seasonal allergies, turns out I have a few, but not nearly to the extent that I thought. The majority of it was food!

I now know that I am allergic to all nuts (except brazil nuts), green beans, brocolli, black pepper, wheat, soy, brewer's yeast, baker's yeast, and malt. This eliminates the majority of everything I was eating, especially the things I thought were "healthy".

I spent a week or two eating nothing but baked potatoes, because it was the only thing I could think of at the time. Now, I have read and researched and become label obsessed. I have talked to various family and friends who eat clean, or vegan, or raw. They have each and all given me some good things to think about. But I am a forty (plus) year old "girl" who has years of habits to change. My diet is now slowly evolving beyond potatoes, lol, and my pantry and refrigerator are both looking a bit different.

I have also been thinking about eliminating dairy as well. I avoided it before but never had completely eliminated. Now that I cannot drink Almond Milk, I went back to regular (skim) millk for a while, and found my stomach isn't a fan (I did not test allergic however; probably just intolerant).

Looking for anyone else who shares any/all of these allergies hoping to swap food ideas!


  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I have some of these allergies (wheat and some nuts), but I also don't eat very much that contains soy, malt, or yeast.

    You may want to avoid anything with gluten since you have tested positive for wheat and malt allergies. Some foods to avoid: rye, barley, bulgur.

    As for foods, there are so many that you can still eat, you just have to give it a little more thought! You may consider checking out a paleo/primal way of eating since many of the things you are allergic to aren't recommended when you eat this way. There are also a ton of blogs dedicated to recipes related to this way of eating.

    Good luck and remember to read labels. You will be surprised by the things that contain wheat and soy!