Avoiding trigger foods...healthy attitude?

Hi ladies

Well, i've been on this site for a few weeks, and have gone from 155-143...my goal is about 135ish (I'll see how i feel when i get there)
Before starting this program I was a HUGE sweets junky...still am.... I have usually one a FiberOne bar or Slim fast optima bar to curb my craving so I don't throw in the towel by feeling too deprived

Anyway, my absolute FAV junk food are donuts
My MIl came yesterday and brought a dozen...even a few of my all time favorite (starwberry frosted)
I didn't have a bite...NOT one little bite...it wasn't even that tough

Part of me felt good/strong that I was able to control myself and look at the bigger picture..
The other part of my felt if this was something I wanted to stick with for life...I should have been able to have maybe 1 or 1/2 donut and call it a day w/ out eating 3-4

does anyone avoid certain trigger foods all together
is it a healthy way of looking at food/eating....?

Just curious what your thoughts were
Thanks, kim


  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hi ladies

    Well, i've been on this site for a few weeks, and have gone from 155-143...my goal is about 135ish (I'll see how i feel when i get there)
    Before starting this program I was a HUGE sweets junky...still am.... I have usually one a FiberOne bar or Slim fast optima bar to curb my craving so I don't throw in the towel by feeling too deprived

    Anyway, my absolute FAV junk food are donuts
    My MIl came yesterday and brought a dozen...even a few of my all time favorite (starwberry frosted)
    I didn't have a bite...NOT one little bite...it wasn't even that tough

    Part of me felt good/strong that I was able to control myself and look at the bigger picture..
    The other part of my felt if this was something I wanted to stick with for life...I should have been able to have maybe 1 or 1/2 donut and call it a day w/ out eating 3-4

    does anyone avoid certain trigger foods all together
    is it a healthy way of looking at food/eating....?

    Just curious what your thoughts were
    Thanks, kim
  • lifesaver
    I think it's definitely personal choice. There's nothing wrong with wanting to cut out sweets altogether.
    THAT being said, if I'm going to do this forever, there's NO way I am cutting out the things I like... I am a sucker for chocolate. And as long as it's not every day, or a lot every day, I see no problem in having treats! Everything in moderation! (except for cigarettes.. that's another story ahhaha)
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Hi Kim! At some point in time, we will all have to come to a decision about that kind of stuff. I do my best to avoid it right now - we have a guy that brings donuts into work all the time! - but sometimes just can't :ohwell: . I guess it comes down to self control. :grumble: Can I stop at 1/2 or 1? Am I willing/able to put in the time to burn the extra calories? I don't think an occassional donut or piece of pizza or burger or hot dog or whatever is the issue - it's the all the time and the 3 or 4 donuts, slices, etc. that are the problem. I try not to right now because I want to lose the weight so badly and enjoy seeing progress, but as I get to the maintaining part I probably will indulge sometimes - just work it off so it doesn't stay around! My $.02 anyway!! - Kim
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I think it all just depends on what will work for each person. I read something once about the common traits among naturally thin people. One of them is that they DO have splurges and eat crap sometimes, but instead of wallowing and saying "whats the point??"...they instead just naturally get back on track the next day and don't put another thought into it. So, with that in mind....I am working towards this being a lifestyle change..something I can stick to for life....therefore, I DO need to realize there are going to be splurges here and there...and not beat myself up over it. Instead, just get back on track and keep on keepin on! That is what is realistic for ME and helps me make this part of who I am and not something I am doing for the time being, you know?? So, if I want dessert while out to dinner with hubby, I will have it....but it's not all the time and I will plan for it and then get back on track.

    The thing is, it's not ONE donut that will make you heavy or cause you to be unhealthy. It's eating them all the time and several at ONE time. So, if you think you can have ONE donut and enjoy it and then continue on your program...then by all means, enjoy. But, if you think eating that one will turn into eating several, then you may want to stay away.

    Good luck!
  • alaskagal
    Anyway, my absolute FAV junk food are donuts

    Obviously we are twins separated at birth :laugh: because my FAV junk food is also donuts, preferably chocolate covered cake....sigh....

    Right now I find I just have to walk away...and that's on my good days when I have the willpower. :grumble:

    I hate grocery shopping and used to I would reward myself for surviving the experience with a little stop over at the bakery :wink: Now I still hate grocery shopping but I try to avoid the bakery area or I might not be able to resist the evil lure of the donuts screaming my name.

    Good luck! If you figure out how to eat just one please let me know :tongue:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    My Sucker food it Wavy Lays potato chips....I have not had one since the Super Bowl...yes I had them I don't feel one should avoid all bad foods all the time......
    Ok off to have some celery yum!:happy:

  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    t as I get to the maintaining part I probably will indulge sometimes - just work it off so it doesn't stay around!
    Same here:happy:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I had to give up my trigger foods for a long time.

    Now, my strategy is only buy what I can live with eating. In other words, if a cupcake comes into my house, I'll eat a cupcake. If a cake comes into my house, I'll eat a cake.:wink:

    I do find it's easier to be satisfied with less, but I believe that I will always be an emotional binger, so I have to be aware of that and watch out for it.

    I'm at maintenance now, but I still don't mess with that stuff. For me, it's like a junkie thinking they just need a little heroin.
  • ken7
    ken7 Posts: 46
    I agree with everyone on eating in moderations .... I also wanted to express my weakness- Chocolate chip cookies (Chips Ahoy, Soft Batch, ect.) & Peanut butter (Nutterbutter) cookies. I kicked the Chocolate chips but, my peanutbutter cookies gimme such a short burst of energy ... I know, i know its only a SHORT burst of energy. lol!! So, with that being said .......Reese's Cups are my vending machine downfall .... I try to avoid coming to work without a sack full of healthy goodies but ...on occassions- Oh my .....nuff said!!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I certainly do have trigger foods or foods I could really have a hard time stopping w/ but I feel like my will power is on high since I log everything I eat ....For right now the mind set is....time to get back in shape and I have a ways to go so nope I really won't waste calories on them....or at least I don't want to waste my cals on them..... the urge usually leaves when I think about the wasted cals LOL....I also make sure if I get a craving to get something not so bad like fruit instead...once my belly is feeling full...craving goes usually :ohwell: lol....

    I have a few trigger or danger foods which I think at some point I'll be able to incorporate back on in to my life if I really feel like it....Chips! especially those Lime flavored Tostitos...omg sooo good...and then washing that down w/ the other culprit....ice cream...especially mmmmMint Chocolate Chip ice cream.....there you have it lol my perfect pigout feast LOL:tongue:

    sigh...it ain't easy is it! lol