Just wanted to introduce myself

PagonShort Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Just wanted to attempt to do this. I am finally where I am REALLY willing to admit that am much more over weight than I believed. I never wanted to believe that I was as hard as I really am. So, now for the COLD HARD TRUTH...I have to started with goal of losing 100 lbs. I am truly hoping that by reading everyone's blogs and suggestions this is going to be a step I needed to literally put one foot in front of the other and hold myself accountable.

I do believe that I have hit a point that I truly want to do this... and not just try to pull the wool over my eyes and the eyes of my family and friends that are truly wanting to help.

Good luck to all who are on this mission with me, those who are well on their, and the others that are that have reached the goal or are so close I am truly proud of each and everyone of you. Good Luck and God Bless.


  • sassekel
    sassekel Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome:flowerforyou: This is a great site with great people and helpful tools. stick with it and you go far. goodluck with your goals:drinker:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    You are in a good place then! Don't beat yourself up, just accept the truth, and move forward. This is a GREAT place to be. The collective wisdom here, and the encouragement and support are wonderful.

  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    Congrats on your decision to join!:flowerforyou:

    I love this website!:heart: I've only been using it for 2 months and I feel a million times better!:glasses: Ive got a total of 40lbs to lose and I have lost 9 of them here! :bigsmile: This website also is helping me quit smoking.:bigsmile:

    I think the biggest challenge is telling ourselves no! Am I right? Anyway, I've been pretty good so take a look at my diaries if you want. (just dont look at 4th of july) :blushing:

    GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is awesome. You will love it here if you don't already. I love it here. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Hello dieting world..... :happy:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP. :smile:
  • sassy1957
    sassy1957 Posts: 12
    Welcome Brenda...let's do this girlfriend!:glasses:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I've been a member for one week. It is an awesome site for support. Good luck to you and congrats for taking the initiative to make changes. We All feel the same as you do.:smile: Make small goals for yourself...10 lbs., 25 lbs....you can do it!
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