Stomach is KILLING me- too much protein?



  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    [/quote] The cheapest place I have found ON Gold Standard is ebay and

    Thank you! I'll try his and look about buying from these places.
  • VoiceOfTrenton
    VoiceOfTrenton Posts: 17 Member
    All protein powders are definitely not created equal. I use GNC's Pro Perfromance whey protein and have also had good experience with Naturally Preferred Whey Protein powder. Some points to ponder:

    - I eased myself into extra protein, but I use the MyFitnessPal pie chart to double-check that I don't go ridiculously over the limit
    - I'm not building muscle right now, but when I was my intake was scheduled with the workouts and muscle-repair times, not something I took constantly as some people do
    - I take it with lots of water: typically one or two scoops to 16 oz. water, and add about 4 oz. of milk. The milk will slow absorption a bit and may also settle your stomach when it gets hit with all that protein at once.
    - If I'm already having a lot of protein in a day, I'm not going to use supplements.

    Hope that helps, and you find something that doesn't make you feel lousy.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Being able to tolerate lactose does not preclude being intolerant to other dairy proteins such as whey and casein.

    I personally cannot tolerate very much whey or any dairy proteins; not only does it hurt the stomach, it causes me headaches and acne.

    There are other protein sources you can try: egg, soy, spirulina, pea, hemp etc.

    I like spiru-tein; many flavors, very good. Also Clif Builder's Bars have 20g protein; no dairy.
