I hate to say this ....but reality check with that Biggest Loser program. Yes it is nice that everyone gets into shape on that show, but reality is that they are working out all day long. Truth be that once they return to their regular daily life they won't be able to keep working out as the program makes them so of course some weight will come back on. What they need to do is truly work from someone's actual life style. Actual life!! Not this false impression that everyone can work out and leave their job 24/7. I cannot stand when someone says "Ohh look at the biggest loser they can do it so you should be able too"...Ummm yea I would drop like a squirrel if I had 24/7 workouts and a chef setting up what only I am allowed to eat. But I live in reality and it will take time to drop! So I think eliminate the "Biggest Loser" show and put up a show on "Reality Loser"!!!


  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I just don't like how it sets up unrealistic ideals of weight loss for people.
  • prairiedawg2014
    absolutely!! i totally agree!!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I hate to say this ....but reality check with that Biggest Loser program. Yes it is nice that everyone gets into shape on that show, but reality is that they are working out all day long. Truth be that once they return to their regular daily life they won't be able to keep working out as the program makes them so of course some weight will come back on. What they need to do is truly work from someone's actual life style. Actual life!! Not this false impression that everyone can work out and leave their job 24/7. I cannot stand when someone says "Ohh look at the biggest loser they can do it so you should be able too"...Ummm yea I would drop like a squirrel if I had 24/7 workouts and a chef setting up what only I am allowed to eat. But I live in reality and it will take time to drop! So I think eliminate the "Biggest Loser" show and put up a show on "Reality Loser"!!!

    The problem is that having a reality show that actually is realistic (and safe/reasonable) probably wouldn't draw nearly the attention and thus revenue.

    People should watch Biggest Loser as a source of entertainment and NOT as a model for how to plan their weight loss and/or fitness methods.
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    I prefer the show Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. They don't have at training there after the first month I think it is, they spend a year basically doing it on their own.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I agree that it is an unrealistic approach for well over 99% of us. However, there have been some pretty great stories of some of the spouses of contestants that lost similar amounts of weight while their partner was at the ranch.

    I don't think anyone should expect to lose at that rate (nor should they really even want to), but it is interesting and inspiring to see that hard work and dedication can have such impressive results.
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    As once said on House:
    I like to watch biggest loser and eat ice cream and imagine that they can see me :)
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Even when I was working out to train for my black belt test, the absolute most I could work out (with a full time job and three kids in school!) was two hours, maybe two and a half a day. But you CAN get some awesome results with only working out an hour a day, in my opinion, if you plan well and eat right. And you can take a weekend day and make some huge strides in between laundry and grocery shopping. But it pretty much has to be your number on priority. Even so, I never dropped 100 lbs in 12 weeks, lol. In fact, still trying for the last three pounds and its fifteen months and running.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Do you mean reality TV isn't real? I'm shocked.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I used to watch that show but stopped because I did find it discouraging when reality didn't match up with the show. It's inspirational to see transformations but It's not realistic and a lot of the contestants end up putting on weight after the show is over (usually not all of it but a significant amount). There's another show I've seen called Heavy (can't remember which channel) that was a lot more realistic. It's not a game show but more of a documentary on individual's weight loss.
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    I agree, have them achieve this with their kids and family around. not taken away to a ranch where all the have to do it work out all day without responsabilities and a chef to make all their meals.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I agree.

    What I do like about BL is that it shows that even severely overweight people (not to say ALL of them) can do some sort of workout. You see 400 pound people climbing up a hill on the first day--whether it's truly the first day on the ranch, or the first day they decide show us is irrelevant IMO. So when my uninjured 200 pound close friends tell me that they are too big to even WALK as exercise, I think about BL and what they do on the first days.
  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member
    Although I agree with most of what you's tv...that's what they do...they exagerate things so people will watch. Tha being said...I'm happy for the weightloss those people have done. Yes, some of it may come back on, but most of those people were at the point where their health was significantly being attacked from their weight. The needed something drastic. That or surgery, and I don't advocate that!!! I think they all deserve a high five for going on tv, losing the weight, and making the decision to get healthy...Just like we're all doing!!! Support the weightloss and the people...they deserve it!!!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I've never watched the show ... but I read somewhere that a "week" is really like 10 days and some contestants do "extreme" things for weigh-ins, sauna suits, diuretics ... no thanks.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I so agree, so much of what they do is unsustainable... (or really difficult to sustain)

    There is a new show called REVOLuTION... where they incorporate lifestyle changes and follow someone over the course of 6 months.

    It's daytime TV though, so the only time I get to see it is when my lunch-time work out is off schedule.
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343

    Much better program, probably on netflix, that actually looked at what people ate and modified their lifestyles instead of putting them on a scale in front of millions.
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 671
    I would like to see a season where it is about fat percentage drop, not weight. I think it would help because A LOT of people actually do use the show for factual information. Now, that is most likely never going to happen because it is exciting for people to see someone drop 15 lbs a week so the ratings might suffer with my version. I like seeing people's recomposition

    edited for spelling :P
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    I hate to say this ....but reality check with that Biggest Loser program. Yes it is nice that everyone gets into shape on that show, but reality is that they are working out all day long. Truth be that once they return to their regular daily life they won't be able to keep working out as the program makes them so of course some weight will come back on. What they need to do is truly work from someone's actual life style. Actual life!! Not this false impression that everyone can work out and leave their job 24/7. I cannot stand when someone says "Ohh look at the biggest loser they can do it so you should be able too"...Ummm yea I would drop like a squirrel if I had 24/7 workouts and a chef setting up what only I am allowed to eat. But I live in reality and it will take time to drop! So I think eliminate the "Biggest Loser" show and put up a show on "Reality Loser"!!!

    The problem is that having a reality show that actually is realistic (and safe/reasonable) probably wouldn't draw nearly the attention and thus revenue.

    People should watch Biggest Loser as a source of entertainment and NOT as a model for how to plan their weight loss and/or fitness methods.

    ^^ This. The show is for entertainment purposes only. You aren't supposed to expect to do the same things they are doing. Use it for motivation if you want, but don't lower yourself to actually thinking you should be losing 15lb a week. Don't take what you see on TV so seriously.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    As once said on House:
    I like to watch biggest loser and eat ice cream and imagine that they can see me :)

    Absolutely loved House. I'm so sad it's over. :sad:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    As once said on House:
    I like to watch biggest loser and eat ice cream and imagine that they can see me :)

    OMG i feel guilty if i watch it and eat ANYTHING! lol :noway: