Daily Calories calculated vs exercise question

Im new to MFP (and diet/exercise) and I was wondering about the Daily Calories.

If it says I need 1200 calories a day, then I go to the gym and burn 300, it changes my daily calories to 1500. I guess Im confused, because don't I want a bigger deficit? Isnt that why you exercise, to burn calories? Why would they want me to eat that amount of calories I just burned? Would it be bad to eat only the 1200 calories instead of 1500 even though I exercise?

LOL Sorry if this sounds dumb, I just think its weird. Kind-of like, why work out if they want me to eat extra food, to make up for the calories I just burned :)


  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    look up the group eat more weigh less. lots of good info there. i am a big believer in eating more :-) when i ate less i was tired and cranky all the time and ALWAYS craving something. I have lost just over 20 lbs total (MFP counter was reset recently for a new workout) and eating more I have actually lost more quicker and accomplish more in my day and i am happier! :-)

    in answer to your question many people think 1200 is the absolute LEAST you should eat NET. therefore if you burn 300 cals you are only NETTING 900. MFP is figuring out the deficit for you (although it was VERY inacurate for me)

    this thread is a good starting point
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    MFP already has the deficit built into the 1200 calorie level. (If you go to the BMR and TDEE calculators you will see what you actual maintenance levels are)
  • jenrusow
    jenrusow Posts: 17 Member
    I have wondered about this too. Will have to look at these helpful links a little more closely as time allows!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    it's adding the exercise to avoid increasing the deficit above what it was originally.
  • WeekendDM52
    WeekendDM52 Posts: 12
    Hi Bkay,

    That's cool- It's really simple (and I don't mean that AT ALL in a patronising way!) See if this helps:

    1200, that's your minimum with a safe defecit already built in (assuming you actually need to lose weight!) If you eat under that, you're getting a dangerous defecit- bits of your body that keep you healthy start to shut down as you don't have the energy for them to keep going. (That's why many anorexia sufferers have organ failure). That is, regardless of whether you exercise or not, DO NOT go under your minimum. It's not a 'good thing' to be increasing the defecit below your minimum.

    MFP know this- that's why it adds energy for you to exercise. If you ate your 1200 and did 300 calories of exercise, you would be dangerously under what you need. If you want to be healthy, do your exercise, get the benefits of better sleep, better shape, more energy, better concentation, feel amazing, maybe even have everyone tell you you look amazing, but make sure you eat your exercise calories.

    The fitter, stronger we are, the more calories our bodies burn when we are at rest, so I am afraid your theory on just eating the 1200 and doing no exercise doesn't work out- the exercise will help you lose weight faster, healthier, easier, but of course you can't do the exercise if you don't have the calories on board.

    I am a Personal Trainer so this is well rehearsed- it works- trust me!

    Kind regards
  • mini72
    mini72 Posts: 59 Member
    Sorry to ask this now and sorry for hijacking your thread OP!!

    If my BMR is 1504 and my TDEE is approx 2327 what calorie intake should I be aiming for in a day?

    I excercise every 2nd day so what should I take in on the days I dont excercise?

    oh I am very confused!!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You answered your own question .... Yes, you don't want to increase the deficit. Too big a deficit and your body will burn muscle as well as fat. Feed the muscle.... fuel your workouts.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Sorry to ask this now and sorry for hijacking your thread OP!!

    If my BMR is 1504 and my TDEE is approx 2327 what calorie intake should I be aiming for in a day?

    I excercise every 2nd day so what should I take in on the days I dont excercise?

    oh I am very confused!!

    My advice would be:

    * Calcuate your TDEE as if you are completely sedentary
    * Take 20% off your TDEE - have this set as your calories for the day
    * Log any exercise you do
    * Eat back any exercise calories you earn

    I've just switched to doing this in the last couple of weeks and my weight is finally shifting. It's slow but steady, but ensures it's manageable and you are giving your body the fuel you need to exercise.

    Second bit of advice? Invite people on MFP to be your friends. Find a set of like-minded people with similar goals and it makes the world of difference.
  • mini72
    mini72 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks so much everyone.Looks like I have not been taking in enough!
  • bkay30
    bkay30 Posts: 43
    Thanks everyone!! ((hugs)) I think I get it now. :) Ive always been naturally thin, so diet and exercise is so foreign to me. But in the last 3 years I have had 2 back to back babies and developed hypothyroidism. Now Im 50+ pounds overweight (yikes) Im trying to get healthy again before trying for baby #3 (and our last one LOL)