Yet another C25K alternative, I think I can do this

So I got fitted for running shoes recently (can't afford them, but at least now I know) and the store had a handout on how to get started. One plan was C25K, which proved a bit ambitious for me.

This was the other....and the one I am starting today.

Plan 1: Features 30 minutes of exercise for the first 30 days.
1. Walk out the door and go 15 minutes in one direction, turn around and return 15 minutes to where you started: 30 minutes total.
2. For the first 10 minutes, you must walk – no running!
3. For the last 5 minutes, you must walk – no running!
4. During the middle 15 minutes jog for 30 seconds, walk however long it takes to recover, jog 30 seconds again. Jog, walk. Jog, walk.
5. Once comfortable jogging and walking, adopt a 30/30 pattern: jog 30 seconds, walk 30 seconds, etc.

If you continue this 30/30 routine for 30 days, you will finish the month able to cover between one and two miles walking and jogging.