Special K Diet?



  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    That cereal like most other cereals is processed garbage. You might as well switch that crap for oatmeal, at least it fills you up and isn't a sugar bomb.
  • svetz
    svetz Posts: 35 Member
    I wouldn't recommend only eating Special K but I do like their products and think their cereal and high protein bars are delicious. I usually have one bowl of Special K cereal everyday as an evening snack. That's usually when I have calories to use up from the day. As a vegetarian, I was concerned with my iron level which lead me to this choice, and most their varieties have between 100%-130% of iron, so I would rather have some yummy cereal than take an iron pill. I eat mine at night because I heard coffee limits your iron absorbsion, so I don't eat it in the am because I can't give up my coffee! The double chocolate high protein bar is really good too, and I personally have never craved candy bars but I think they are more yummy than a Milky Way. Give them a shot. But do not eat only Special K for your main meals. Keep eating a balanced diet, and lots of fruits and vegatables. This is just a less sinful snack type food to substitute in when you are having cravings to eat poorly. I find them very satisfying! I also buy the cereal in premeasured bowls, so I am not tempted to eat the whole box of cereal!
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I have stopped eating special k even though I love it, as ive realised it refined cereal and not so healthy for me after all. I cant see whay it would work as if you ate 2 bowls of thatb per day then a evening meal your body wouldnt be getting much food through the day and getting the most at night, which is what makes people gain.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    I'm starting it today. Kellogg's have a special K diet website. This is a copy of Sunday 03 June

    Breakfast Grilled Mushrooms, Bacon & Tomato Toasted Sandwich with Grapefruit Juice

    2 grilled lean rashers back bacon
    1 medium tomato (grilled)
    2 thin slices wholemeal bread
    2 level tspn low-fat spread
    2 medium mushrooms
    1 tspn olive oil
    1 tspn fresh oregano
    * Brush the olive oil onto the mushrooms and tomato (sprinkle oregano to taste) and grill alongside the bacon * Toast the bread and spread thinly with the spread and eat together with the grilled bacon, mushrooms and tomato * Enjoy with a glass of grapefruit juice

    Morning Snack Semi-sweet Biscuit

    Lunch Main Beef Roast with Yorkshire Pudding and Vegetables

    2 thick slices lean roasted beef
    1 Yorkshire pudding
    3 boiled new potatoes
    3 tbsp steamed spring greens (shredded)
    ½ medium steamed carrot (sliced)
    2 tbsp (sliced) steamed leek
    2-3 tbsp gravy (made up with gravy granules)
    * Serve the lean roast beef together with Yorkshire pudding, new potatoes and steamed vegetables. Pour over piping hot gravy and eat immediately

    Lunch Dessert Fruit Sorbet

    Afternoon Snack Fresh Cherries

    Dinner Main Prawn Salsa Sandwich

    20 boiled prawns
    2 medium slices wholemeal bread
    2 small lettuce leaves
    * Spread the salsa on the bread slices and load in the lettuce and prawns

    Dinner Dessert Apple

    Not Bad! I feel I need some ideas and this has loads also you can change meals you don't like and when you log your food you can add other things. It is not as good as MFP an I will still be logging both.

    Yorkshire pudding . . . you made that up, didn't you?