*FIT BY FALL* weigh in for July 27th



  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    lee....just had to add a note.....carbs convert to sugar.......so more protein is ok!!
    you're getting hungry cuz you're not eating enough to stay fueled. you'll learn
    what works as you go along......hang in there kiddo!!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109

    In my MFP calculator I am supposed to take in 1220 calories in a day, am I supposed to burn that many in a day in my workouts?

    I've always plateaued & fear of that so if you wouldn't mind sharing what foods do you include in your cheat days?

    Anyone know of any high carb snacks that have very little or no Protein? I'm 4g away from going over & didn't even have my non fat yogurt or cottage cheese! :frown:

    Remember, you're lifestyle is automatically going to burn some calories. I was a member of another website for a time, and for my lifestyle (stay at home mom/student)...I burn approx. 1200 calories. Remember...pretty much EVERYTHING you do burns SOME calories....so for instance..say your lifestyle burns 1200 cals automatically, and you workout and burn 600 calories, you've burned 1800 calories for the day. Minus the 1220 you're eating...you've exerted 580 calories MORE than you've eaten...so...if you did this everyday, you'd lose approx. 2.6 lbs a week! does that make sense? Oh, 1365 calories make up a lb.

    My cheat days, I don't really have a set plan. But, one thing I do let myself eat is my raisin bran crunch cereal that's about 230 calories with the milk. Also, I might take 2 pieces of pizza, instead of my one. I don't really have anything carved in stone what i eat on my cheat days...and I still stay aware of the calories...so not to go over my 1500 (and you can have more than this...this is just what I choose...just don't go over 1800!). Sorry that's not a lot of help...

    And you must must must eat protein!! :wink: I agree with Pam. The reason you're hungry, is because of your lack of protein. You'll have to try a few different things, until you find what works for you. Some examples...string cheese...yogurt...turkey...fish (I love crab meat...imitation crab is high in protein, and low in cals..and it is still fish!) Also, if you like beans (in moderation cause they're high in fat and cals)...beans are a great source of protein...and they're high in fiber!! Fiber will fill you up too! Fast! Try eating an apple a day! It really does work wonders! I hope SOME of this might have helped!! :wink:
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Hi Ladies, Just checking in. I haven't lost this week.I AM bloated from that TOM.Next week will show some loss, I know it.I don't want to be disagreeable,But isn't 1 lb equal to 3500 calories.?I I ha dan off day yesterday,Will do better today.I did walk 50 min.though.Thanks ClassiC for the gret poem or song...
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Well I weighed in this morning and I was down 1 lb, not alot but better than nothing! I went WAY over my calories on Friday so I wasn't really very surprised by my outcome. I am really sore from my "bootcamp" class, but I went ahead and worked out this morning anyway and am so glad I did cause I feel so much better now. I have found a partner to work out with so that gives me a reason to have to go, I can't just decide "oh I will go tomorrow".

    Meanwhile when I was getting dressed this morning, I DID notice my pants fit ALOT loser, so even though I'm not losing the pounds I want, the inches are apparently melting away!

    Good luck to everybody this week, and keep up the good work! It's hard, but its adding years to our life everyday we eat right, which is WAYYY more important than any "bad food" that we crave!

    P.S. we won our first softball game last night!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    No No!!! This does help in more ways than one, I appreciate the feed back ladies! I did change some things around, today instead of having a banana in my shake I had a ½ cup of strawberries. I also plan on having my cottage cheese & yogurt for snacks today YEAH!!! Fish & Veggies for lunch & maybe another shake or a salad for dinner. I will get my 1 cup of coffee in as well!
    I am aiming to do Plyometrics tonight and guess what?............I am down another 2lbs this morning. It must be me coming off of that TOM. I’m probably losing the access water weight. Regardless it’s a lost & I’ll take any way it comes the healthy way.

    Congrats on the win Countindown!!! :drinker:
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Congrats on the win Countindown!!! :drinker:

  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    My start weight 178. 5 I 'm still at174 .I gain 5 lbs of bloat with my cycle. I'm REALLY liking the South beach tropical drink packets, They are tasty, have like 5 grams of fiber, and a little protein too.Satisfies the urge to drink a soda.I WILL stay away from the sweets and salty snacks today.My cravings were so bad right before that time. I indulged every one.I was feeling very tired and blah today. Probably a combo of pms and overindulging.Like I said today is another day, and it will be better!Going to be busy today! BUT I will grab a 1/2 a clif bar an an apple or banana so I won't be tempted to grab anything at the gas station....I will be 165 by the end of next month!
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing so great! I'm really proud of myself, I worked out very late last night, when all I wanted to do was go to sleep. But I got it in and am happy that I didn't let excuses cloud my mind! I really just wanted to weigh in every week, but couldn't help it this mornign and happy to say down 2 more pounds! Woohooo, just like the other lady said it may be water but I'l take all I can get. I'm really watching what I eat now and exercising. So excited to see these pounds drop off. Hope everyone has a great week and stay focused!!
    I'm off to get my workout in, before my DS wakes up. Bye for now ladies!:flowerforyou:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    AngelaBeaulieu - Welcome!!! This is a great group. So positive and encouraging. Glad you're joining us! :smile:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!! :flowerforyou:

    Woooooooooooohoooooooooooo to the losers!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    And getting those workouts in!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I'm still stressed, but did not give in to the stress eating yesterday.......even tho I sooooooooooo
    wanted to go to Riteaid and get a double scoop of pecan praline ice cream!!! :huh:

    Have to do a double back tonite, back at work at 0800hrs:yawn: so don't know if I'll
    get any posting time for the next few days.......heading to Vegas Wed nite, Wedding Thurs, coming
    home some time Friday. GF lent us her condo, so no worries about paying for a room!!
    Wish we had time to take the boat out to Mead. oh well.next time. At least I have a couple more
    days off to recover when we come home, unlike DH who has to be back to work on Sat. Sun
    is the reception/bbq at the groom's parents house....

    Hugs to all and know that you motivate me daily!!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Yes, 1 lb is 3500 calories...I mis spoke...same concept :ohwell:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    Well, I went on an 8 mile walk with my workout partner yesterday, and It was great!! The down side...I got sunburned...but that's my own fault! :laugh: Oh well. I planned on working out again last night after my night class...but ended up staying up until 2 am playing "name that tune" with my hubby on you tube!! It was fun!! :love: I heard about a 60 mile walk in a near by town, and I am planning on calling on it today and seeing about signing up. Can you imagine!!?? I am so glad to see people on the downslide...Have fun at the wedding Pam, and come back to us soon! :laugh: And way to go for not giving in to stress eating!! That is a HUGE feat! congrats!! :drinker: And you're right tamawamara, today IS a new day! Every pound gained can be lost...I love saying that! :ohwell: Cause its so true!! Here's some motivation for today...to keep everyone on track...in line...and on target!! LET'S ALL SEE A LOSS THIS WEEK!! WE CAN DO IT!!

    Permanent weight loss begins with the acknowledgment that you want more out of life. You must decide that you are deserving of more happiness, more joy and more peace. You want to return to the aliveness that you were born with.


    To put food and weight behind you, you will need to choose life. Choosing life means showing up with your full presence in the world. Permanent weight loss is the work of opening your heart to all that is good in you and in the world. It means living a life of gratitude. When you feel better, you eat better.


    Most of us live lives of someday. Someday I'll___________. A someday life is an imaginary life. There is only now.


    Weight is often a hiding place. Losing weight for good means to stop distracting yourself with food and face your fears head on. It is only by facing pain and fear that you can move through it.

    Permanent weight loss means filling yourself with wonder, not Wonder bread! You must fill your life with all the things that bring joy. Food can never be a substitute for life.

    Have a blessed Tuesday!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    MrsP - You can never go wrong with Eleanor Roosevelt! Very Inspiring...there are so many things I think I can't do and counting calories and exercising every day are the two at the top of the list. Thanks to everyone here...I'm crossing them off my "can't do list". Thanks!

    ClassiC - What's wrong with those people at your boot camp class? Friends say friendly things, they're not friends. Avoid them like the plague...you know you're doing a good job! Geez...you've lost 6.5 inches and completed a12 mile bike ride for the first time. FANTASTIC!!! You need to keep only POSITIVE VIBES around you. You have a mission and you're on fire! :flowerforyou:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Me again...
    MrsP - You made me tear up!!! Your quote hit a nerve. "Permanent weight loss begins with the acknowledgment that you want more out of life. You must decide that you are deserving of more happiness, more joy and more peace. You want to return to the aliveness that you were born with."

    That says it ALL for me! I really do want more out of life and deciding that I deserve it is THE BATTLE I have to fight. Don't know WHY I have to fight that battle...but ignoring it has made me fat and lazy. I'm ready to fight my way to fitness and good health. Thanks for helping me see myself more clearly today. It's going to be hard, but I'm already started and everybody here is wonderful and supportive. Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Leeslim4life, I will try to post what I eat throughout the day.Some days it's easier to get on here than others, but I'll definitely try .Today is gonna be a light day, Because yesterday I went way over.Then day before wasn't as bad,But wasn't totally in range either.Here's What I've had so today:2.5 c . of coffee with 1 sugar and a plop of milk in each(have cut back on the sugar),1/2 Mint chocolate CLIF bar, very tasty,and a banana. I am eating now: 1/2 C. of cottage cheese(4%milkfat) with 2/3 canned pears with no sugar added.There's Splenda in them. I noticed the lighter versions of cottage cheese have more salt, I have to watch my salt intake.I 've had 5 cups of water.Later , When I go to the lake with the kids, I will bring some fat free Dannon vanilla yogurt, some grapes,and serving of lightly salted nuts.and of course, ice cold water.2 servings of that water had South Beach Tropical drink mix in it. I 'm not sure what's for dinner, but I'm thinking ham steak rinsed in cold water to hopefully get off some of the salt,Baked potato and salad loaded with extra veggies, and a little balsamic vinegarette.
  • soon2bfit
    soon2bfit Posts: 8
    Hey there! Just looking around the boards, and saw this thread. Was wondering if I could join? I tried to find old posts about rules and stuff, but didn't see them. So, what is this all about? Anyway, hope all is well with everyone! Keep up the great work!

  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Mandi,

    I'll be the first to say hello and welcome to *fit by fall* i just joined recently and everyone is sooooo welcoming and friendly! mrsp is AMAZING and so INSPIRING wiht her quotes and her postive thoughts and I think you will really like it on here.its a great way to help feel motivated and successful.

    My understanding is that everyone posts their weight loss/gain each week and everyone shares trials/tribulations and celbrates successes together :)

    Glad to have you here with us :)

    cheers :)
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I had a good day today! I ate clean, eating a tad bit under my daily calorie intake & eating a bit over in proteins but, I won’t let the numbers drive me crazy. I didn’t have my coffee & felt ok about it. I took a 2 mile walk with my kids, got chased by dogs which scared the Bajeezies out of my 2yr old & I ended up piggy backing him home. (WHich reminds me I have to get a heart monitor that tracks calories.)Then I did Plyometrics and YES, IT KICKED MY BUTT! I finished my workout about 2 hrs ago & am still sweating, even after my shower…what the…? Looking forward to what tomorrow brings & thank God for giving me the strength when I think I have none & I also thank him for blessing me with a forum full of great people that keeps me focused, who educates & motivates. Love them to pieces!

    -Thank you for the again so great & Inspiring Quotes Mrs.P you so Rock!

    - tamawamra- Thank you for giving me some food ideas, I so appreciate it.

    Mandi- Welcome to Fit By Fall, you will find a very inspiring group of people who all have the same goal. Losing weight the healthy way!

    Classic C- Keep your head up don't let their negativity get you down. You are doing the damn thang & most importanly you are doing it for you. Keep on pushing luv! :flowerforyou:

    I will catch you all tomorrow I am pooped, have a great night!

  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I'm amazed...I feel so much better than April 2009 when I weighed 223. June 2nd I joined MFP at 214. And today I weighed in at 199.6. First time in 10 years I've weighed under 200!

    Okay, so I had to take off my wedding ring,earrings and necklace to do it...but 199.6 is just that - under 200! :blushing:

    I'm so grateful to "Fit By Fall" started by "mrsprazak05" and "Low Carb-ers Chanllenge to Choose Change" started by "SassySouthernGirl". These two ladies and their group members have inspired and encouraged me to reach a goal I sometimes never even considered starting because I didn't think I'd ever be successful...so I was a quitter before I even started! :angry:

    Now I get it, just one day at a time - one calorie at a time, one minute of exercise at a time. It's so much easier when it's small steps. I'm on my way! :happy:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member

    you guys have been busy!!! :laugh: good stuff all around:smile: i loved reading the updates!!

    jklm (love the name btw) - how AMAZING!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: you are doing it and such an inspiration!!!!!!

    Pam- have fun at the wedding and keep up your determination on not giving in to the stress eating or wedding "food"! you can do it!! we look forward to hearing how it was so hurry back now:flowerforyou:

    Lee- thanks!! :flowerforyou: look at u kicking butt!! woot!!!!! so true, we do have alot to be grateful for:smile:

    mandi- welcome to our fabulous group! look forward to hearing from you:happy:

    mrsP- you're at it again with a wonderful post that just offers much needed encouragement and those words that we all really need to hear for this journey - keep up your effforts as they are much appreciated and we will all celebrate our losing together!! :flowerforyou:

    thank you everyone for the encouraging words!!! true, friends shouldnt say those kinds of hurtful things but it's just added fuel to my fat-burning fire! woot!!! :wink: just a quick update from me - the cake turned out good except that it had a wierd after taste- i'm guessing it was from the splenda:ohwell: LOL!! so i'm going to be experimenting for a sub that will keep it low cal low carb like i need it to be!! lolol...saw something about using pumpkin on the hungry girl site (some nice stuff on there btw all).......TOM- i NEED chocolate! :laugh: i just ate my treat for the day after my boot camp class - a piece of sorbee sugar free, 0 carb chocolate- heaven! :love: LOL! decided to up my 1200 cal regimen to 1400, along with watching my carb intake to see if i'll get a loss sometime soon :grumble: i'd like to continue being a loser!!! :laugh:

    flying to see my BF on friday so will be intransit all day.... eeek! :noway: looking forward to the trip:smile: havent seen him in 3months so hopefully he's pleasantly surprised with my small success (OR notices even:grumble: lol) :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: he knows about my hard work at it b/c i've been updating him lol... and encouraging him to get into the better "lifestyle" changes too! *thumbs up*...i mean, what's he gonna do with a hot momma like me when i'm all done if he cant keep up with me!! teehheee:bigsmile: sooo.......taking some nuts with me to snack on (airport security checkpoint allowable item:laugh: ) maybe some cheese cubes too. lol.... any suggestions?? trying to watch my carbs and not sure about the timing on my getting to quality food/snacks...... :embarassed:

    thought for tomorrow-
    "everything you were, everything you are and everything you will be was, is and will be, first conceived in your mind. You have had and will continue to have thousands of great, wonderful thoughts a day. Things that, maybe, you and only you will ever have thought. Develop the courage to reach beyond the safety of what you already know and take a leap toward uncertainty.
    Make today a day to take action and bring your dreams to life!" :wink:

    well off to bed...hoping to get an am workout in:glasses:

    have a greeeeeeeeeeaat wednesday!! :flowerforyou: