Newbie - looking to lose weight and be healthy again!

Hey guys

Im new here, my brother introduced me to this site :) Im looking to lose weight as im sick of feeling uncomfortable and self conscious about my self. I used to be really sporty and healthy once and wanting to get back in the habbit!
Fingers crossed! here we go... :D


  • adamsurpren
    adamsurpren Posts: 53
    Good for you! This is a great place to start, lots of nice caring people willing to help and support you. Whatever you need, or whatever you're feeling, let it go.

    Good luck to you!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Hi, you will love it here, its great, and lots of nice friendly encouraging people :-)
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    You made a great start by choosing this site. I wish you luck with your weight loss and I hope you begin to feel more comfortable soon.
  • cheersbethani
    cheersbethani Posts: 7 Member
    I've only been a member a week, but have really enjoyed the perks of logging my food and fitness just as an accountability tool.
    Best of luck on your lifestyle change journey that you are embarking on :)
    1MOMOISME Posts: 25
    I just joined up today myself! My sister sent me the link. I understand what you are going through....I myself used to be super active and inshape myself. We are in this together!!! All of us if we really look at ourselves honestly will see there is some room for improvement. I even know some "skinny fat people" they may be skinny but are not healthy or in shape! Together we can get through this..... one day and one step at a time!
  • DaisyMomOf4
    DaisyMomOf4 Posts: 15
    Hi sweetie!! Glad ur here!! I tried MFP on a whim but i hav grown 2 really depend on it 4 support and encouragement. It makes all the difference in the world. The people r amazing and so very inspirational. Hope u enjoy it as much as i do.
  • CheekyAmz
    CheekyAmz Posts: 2
    Thanks guys! im really looking forward to 'hopefully' log some good results and drop those dress sizes to fit in to my dream wedding dress :D