colon cleanse / acai berry

mojomcgee Posts: 50
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Have any of you tried these 2 products that seem to be the rave? I would love a quick fix then I could level off and eat properly to maintain a healthy weight. I just can't afford to wast money on products that don't work and I fear they might even be unhealthy for me. Is there anybody out there who is not a scammer who has had experiences with them? Did it work or is all this hype bogus?


  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I suggest doing several google searches if you are truly interested. I would google search for "acia berry reviews" and then side effects, FDA warnings and so on. Only you can determine if this is a waste of money or not. My personal thought would be that yes it is. Why are you detoxing with other chemicals? Are these checmicals natural and healthy for you?

    There are some sites, if you do some searching that have natural cleanses. like this site offers tons of info on fasting and detoxing, there are also several other site like this.

    In all thoroughness, I would really take some time and dig into researching as much as you possibly can.

    Have a great day! and happy reading!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    colon cleanse is bogus, acai berry is good for you. just eat healty and work out and you'll notice a difference. unfortunately losing weight takes time and patience.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Have any of you tried these 2 products that seem to be the rave? I would love a quick fix then I could level off and eat properly to maintain a healthy weight. I just can't afford to wast money on products that don't work and I fear they might even be unhealthy for me. Is there anybody out there who is not a scammer who has had experiences with them? Did it work or is all this hype bogus?

    There are no quick fixes and weight lost during cleanses is generally not fat. Thus, using these to reach and maintain a healthy weight just isn't possible.

    And really what is the point? Just eat healthy, avoid processed foods and stay active. Not only will you lose weight but you will be healthier and it will be much easier to maintain.

    It isn't a race ...

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • mojomcgee
    mojomcgee Posts: 50
    Thanks for the good advise. I have no patience!!!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Don't worry we all feel like that sometimes. :flowerforyou: Once you start seeing and feeling the results of a healthy active lifestyle you'll never consider a quick fix again.:wink:
  • Slim115
    Slim115 Posts: 20
    i heard Acai really does help you lose weight it's very fiberous! and I have done Colon cleasing for years, it helps to clean your body out, and you really do lose weight from the waste being exspelled from your body. Hope this helps:) also colon cleasing is good for getting rid of the junk in your body, if your body is not absorbing correctly, you may tend to over eat, and with that not lose weight:( i have actually started another colon clease a couple of weeks ago, good results so far!
  • mojomcgee
    mojomcgee Posts: 50
    rt53171 what kind or brand of colon cleanse do you like best?
    What about a fruit fast? I heard that helps cleanse you too but I don't know how long to do it (or if I have the willpower to do so)
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i've used those 2 before at the same time and both seperately...Personally i hated them...they caused severe cramps after the first few days (when i had to poop) and the pooping was way too often for my liking...and the poops werent normal...and it didnt make me lose any abnormal amounts of weight either

    p.s. if u want a cleanse just up the fruits and veggies...the cleansers i dont think are worth it and this is coming from a diet pill junkie lol
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    shoot wrong post lol
  • soon2bfit
    soon2bfit Posts: 8
    Let me just put this out there. We do not NEED colon cleansings, there has actually been studies to show a link between them and colon cancer, as they dry out the colon. Our bodies will take care of what it needs to naturally, aside from the occasional constipation. We also do not have build up in our colons. As for the Acai berry, I have not heard much about it. Good luck!

  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    I looked into this a couple of months ago as the thought of just taking these products and losing vast amounts of weight was really exciting. But after I dug a little deeper I found out that they don't work and that they are a rip off. The sources were people's accounts on the internet who had used them. I think it's a con because if it was that easy to lose weight doctors would prescribe it to obese people.

    Plus I agree with the comment of soon2bitfit - colon cleanses and also fasts are unnecessary, our body has the capability to cleanse and detox itself and doesn't need any help from any external products.

    Also, I tried a juice fast and by the third day I felt terrible and was crying, some people would say thats a sign of the detox process, but I don't think that something natural and good for your body would make you feel that terrible, so I really don't recommend it!

    You might lose weight slower if you eat sensibly and exercise but it will stay off for longer - my mum did it the sensible way and she's 8 st 10 now and has been for about 5 years after struggling with her weight for a long time.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I tried one a while back... only the acai pill, not the chia powder that came as a free gift.... I did the trial just because I wanted to try the berry and see if it increased my energy... it actually did, and did regulate me a bit... I had no ill effects.


    Then I called the company and cancelled so I wouldn't be billed, like within 10 days of recieving the product, and they gave me the run around, didn't cancel it, and charged me 85 bucks! I've been fighting it ever since, but nobody speaks english. It was supposed to be a simple free trial.

    So if you want to try the berry (it is touted as having great benefits) go to Walmart and pay the 12 dollars for a bottle. Don't make the mistake I did! :flowerforyou:
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Acai is awesome as an additional supplement to one's diet. However, I wouldn't use it as a "weight loss miracle." I buy mine from a reputable company and take it along with my other vitamin supplements.

    My advice to you is to do your research on everything that you think might be good for your health, and, be patient. You didn't put the weight on overnight, and you won't lose it overnight either. Besides, it's not about "dieting," but about lifestyle. You have to decide what YOUR body needs and then go for it! Some people can put junk in their bodies all their lives and die at a ripe ol' age, and others watch what they eat and die young from heart disease. It's not about what others do, but what YOU do and YOUR body!

    I have thyroid disease, and have been a very athletic person all of my life. However, I couldn't seem to weigh the "normal" amount. I realized after many years that, for me, I cannot eat like everyone else. I have to eat less and work out more than most people. I've accepted that, and no long cry out "it's not fair!" Life isn't fair! So what?! I have to just deal with it and do what I can with what God has given me!

    By the way, check out L-Arginine while you're at it!

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