
staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
here's this week's thread

HAPPY MONDAY! :flowerforyou:


  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I did well over the weekend with staying busy and keeping close to my cals, but my sodium was through the roof and I didn't even come close to drinking all my h20. I "gained" some water weight over the weekend. I've been drinking more today though!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just checking in--morning!

    i'm going to try new workout shoes this am. mine are worn out/have no good cushioning left so i ordered a bunch from zappos. there are 2 possibilities so here we go. :wink:

    amy, how's your toe??
    drink drink drink your h2o--i'll check back later :flowerforyou:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    another good day today went out on the bike this morning burned 700 cals with the 2 girls in the trailer I am very sore now. That banish fat dvd is a killer also gonna do that again tomorrow.

    Got to walk the dogs yet today probably go out after dinner and get away from the kids for a bit they are driving me crazy this afternoon. Diet not been to bad did slip up and have an ice lolly last night but it wasnt that high in cals and I dont think it sent me over I always over estimate my dinner.

    diet today has been good I am starving now kids are having spaggy bol for dinner just gonna work out if I can have it too as it smells great and I have used minced steak so not much fat in the meat only prob I am out of wholewheat pasta so it will have to be normal stuff but I think I earned it today.

    Still need to work on the water I did well this morning but been busy this affy and havent done so well. Gonna go get a glass right now and see if I can get back on track.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks for checking in vicky! i agree that walking the dogs sans kids is THE BEST! it's trancelike.

    i'm hoping to do kenpox with hubby tonight. it's fun!
    well, still undecided about shoes. i think i'll wear a pair and walk a mile with leslie sansone and see how i like them.
    i usually do kenpo x barefoot.

    alright, enjoy the rest of your day.

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good evening!

    Stacey, my toe is doing pretty well. I have good days and bad days. My orthotic inserts should be here in 4-5 weeks. Thanks for asking.

    I'm doing much better on my cals, sodium, and water today. We're doing breakfast for dinner tonight. It's quick and easy, and w/ the vegetarian sausage, pretty low in cals & sodium. It's also a kid-friendly meal.

    I hope everyone is having a good day!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i had carrots and pnut butt for dinner.
    i ate way too much cereal at lunch time (i have a portion control problem with frosted flakes, even the red sugar kind :laugh: ). i know,don't buy it. BUT oldest likes it and i really can learn self control. :tongue:

    glad your orthotics are helping!
    btw we do bf for dinner lots. often i make choc chip pancakes (where i sneak in about 1/3 of the flour as whole wheat).
    tho french toast was a big hit a cpl weeks back--and that has eggs, so good protein for them.
    i love bf food any time of day!

    have a good night!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    (or anyone else feel free to chime in)

    how do i get the puppy to stop barking at us when we're eating?? i tell her to sit and quiet and ignore her, but she just keeps going and going.
    this whiny/nuisance barking is def on my nerves--espec after 4pm and when the kids are wound up.


  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    stacey water pistol aimed straight at the face (not eyes) should do the trick failing that maybe you shoud look into the pet corrector spray it is an aerosol can and it blast air and startles the dog she wont like it but I have seen it used with great success on a yappy jack russell it is not very expensive in the UK dont know what prices would be like in the US.

    Well today I was in agony really sore it just shows how much I have let things slip so decided I had to take today off as I wouldnt have been able to function 100% doing the dvd I will get to it tom though hopefully legs and back wont ache so much. I know I said no more excuses but I really was in pain this morning. Walked the dogs for an hour though so not a total blow out.

    Diet done ok last night and so far so good today got obediance training with the puppy tonight so just a quick baked potato for dinner then water the garden and I am off out.

    Only 1 day to go til we go camping nearly got all the stuff ready it is going to be fun just me and my son and the 2 older dogs my mum is looking after puppy and the girls (hubby never got around to getting time off work) When we get back on sun all attn then goes to Taz as he is in a show on the 7th it is outdoors so it should be interesting we can only do our best.

    Have a good day all.

    just a thought stacey lock the dog away in a different room at mealtimes could be another way to get peace.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks vicky! btw, husbands are often like that--forgetting to schedule something when it isn't something important for them. :noway:

    sounds like you and your son will have a great time.

    thanks for the suggestions. i am probably going to do a remote controlled static collar. i think that will give us the most control over the situation.

    i still have 2 ppl coming friday so we'll see how that goes.

    i'm just still mixed on the whole think. she's been so great today and she's such a GOOD GOOD dog.

    have kept nicely to my diet today. a little too much at dinner but it was nutritious food. had 2 small spoons of ice cream and will now go drink my water. haven't had enuf of that today. and that will help curb my desire to EAT just to eat.

    where is everyone else??
    hope all are doing well this week! here's to a terrific thursday! :drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :angry: arrgh!!

    i just finished a 60min workout in 1 HOUR AND 40 MINUTES!!!

    the kids interrupted a gazillion trillion times. i barely got my heart rate up and could not sustain it for any length of time. i love them--but sometimes it's just sooooo annoying to take care of them, espec when there's nothing wrong, just needy/whiny this am.

    just venting....
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Stacey, I feel I could have written the same post! :laugh:

    I feel the same way about my kids too. It's mostly my daughter. My son is usually easy going. My daughter is the demanding/whining one, and it's driving me nuts! This week has been particularly bad with her, but I think part of it is that she's feeling cooped up in the house. We've had scattered thunderstorms all week, so the pool hasn't been open at a time when we could go.

    Tomorrow is my 11th wedding anniversary. We're not planning to do much of anything since we had a big celebration last year. My birthday was Monday, so we celebrated that instead. We got a babysitter and went for sushi (only the cooked kind for me, but I love it!) and then saw the new Harry Potter movie. After having high sodium content foods last weekend and then sushi Monday, I was retaining water for a couple days this week, but I'm back on track with my h20 intake and went back down almost to where I was last Saturday am. I'm 0.4 lbs from where I was then. That was the lowest I've been since being here on MFP and the lowest I've been in 10 months!

    And Stacey, that little gingerbread man has been really moving! You may pass your 800 mile goal! :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll check back in later!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    I just became a SAHM today to my 4 boys ( 18, 12, 6, 3) . I quit my job and am helping my husband some with his business and we consult for my former company on occasion but for the most part it is me and the boys. :happy: Can I join the group? Have a feeling I am going to need the support.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I just became a SAHM today to my 4 boys ( 18, 12, 6, 3) . I quit my job and am helping my husband some with his business and we consult for my former company on occasion but for the most part it is me and the boys. :happy: Can I join the group? Have a feeling I am going to need the support.

    welcome! this is an open group with ppl comingand going all the time.basically, when you need it, it'shere.
    we totally get the unique chall of being a sahm and getting fit/healthy. so come join in the conversation any time!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks amy for noticing the gingerbread man! walking the dog has added lots quickly. i don't count the cals from that exercise but i do log the miles.
    and this challenge has been really fun and motivating to me.

    a belated happy birthday to you! :flowerforyou: and happy anniv!

    off to snuggle the little ones--
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    I just became a SAHM today to my 4 boys ( 18, 12, 6, 3) . I quit my job and am helping my husband some with his business and we consult for my former company on occasion but for the most part it is me and the boys. :happy: Can I join the group? Have a feeling I am going to need the support.

    welcome! this is an open group with ppl comingand going all the time.basically, when you need it, it'shere.
    we totally get the unique chall of being a sahm and getting fit/healthy. so come join in the conversation any time!

    Thanks! I look forward to speaking with everyone!
    I lifted this morning but it was so sticky and humid in my garage where the weights are :tongue: At least that makes me drink water. Now I need to go find something to do with the kids for the rest of the day.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    morning all! it'ssunday--what are your plans??
    how has your week ended up??

    yesterday was def my splurge day (lots of choc chip cookies) but i didn't really eat dinner so cals stayed ok. +50min walk with dog helped too.

    will work out this am and going to Y pool with family.

    what good thing can you do for yourself today?? :flowerforyou:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Hello All-

    I'm back once again..I've been MIA for awhile have had way to much goin on in my life to deal with my weight. So I'm back with a vengance on my fat I'm here to say that Monday is a whole new day for me..I'm so upset that I have gained 40 pounds back of the 125 that I had lost..I started out 2 yrs ago at 315 pounds my biggest ever I was down to 190..I have a pic on my profile if you wanna see it..Its sad n gross..I am now at 226..I WILL win this battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:

    So heres to my new attitude against my fat...I WILL beat you..This is my body and I WILL take control once again...I know I'm crazy but I need all the pump up I can get..:laugh:

    Have a great Sunday n Bless you all
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome back! glad to hear you can re-commit to your good health now!!

    i know you're annoyed at yourself but 40 lbs is not all of it!! you still have significantly improved your good health from your starting point.
    now--from this day forward....

    dana, you can check in any time to help you stay motivated and focused. and remember to start small with manageable goals and changes.
    for me today, it will be to drink my water!!

    later chickadee!
  • I can't tell from the topic but is this a group for stay-at-home moms? If so, I so want & need to be part of it. :love:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I can't tell from the topic but is this a group for stay-at-home moms? If so, I so want & need to be part of it. :love:

    yep it is! we're a diverse mix with diff ppl coming and going. we're casual but supportive. so feel free to jump in anytime.
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