
samantha115 Posts: 371
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Ive read on here alot of people detoxing. Ive read some of the message boards that if I drink plenty of water and eat naturally then my body will naturally detox. I try and drink 8 to 10 bottles a day and im trying my damnedest (is that really a word) to get fresh veggies incorporated into my diet. My question is, if I really want to detox should I fast first? Are there pills that I should take to make it more effective? I dont want to drink the lemon drink stuff with chili powder in it. It just sounds nasty. Thanks for all your help.


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I've tried the lemonade and it was okay, but I'm not a fan of fasting. I work out on average 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day and fasting is just not the safest choice.
    I think doing as you are doing, drinking water and eating fresh fruits and vegs, you will get to your goal. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    medically, there's nothing to support the need for fasting, many people swear by it, but there are no studies that I have ever found that prove or even suggest that fasting is good for you medically speaking.

    Also, there's no need to "detox" per say. Just altering your diet to incorporate more fresh fruits, veggies, whole grain or natural complex carbohydrates, and lean meats, and less processed food can do the majority of the work for you. Remember, our bodies have been custom built by evolution to rid us of toxins, and contrary to popular belief, unless you have a specific issue, there's no "buildup" in your colon or intestines.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    If you do fast, I suggest it's extremly important to end your detox fast properly, there's tons of info here and on other sites. I fast regularly. Feel free to email me anytime! You will notice lots of mixed responses on here about it. Have a great day!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Most people on here are going to tell you not to do it, that your body will naturally cleanse and detox itself if you are eating the right things. This is something that I have been considering and looking into for a long time. I even talked to my Dr. about the fact that I am constantly bloated even though I am eating well and taking in low levels of sodium. I am visibly bloated. He said to try a cleanse, and mentioned a couple brands. I am so mad I didn't have him write down what he said because now I can't remember, and I do want to take a trusted brand. I would really appreciate if anyone has a good brand they have used.
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    Thanks everyone. I think I wont fast or detox. It kind of makes me happy, I dont think I could fast. :happy:
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