New here, 5'5 and trying to lose about 20 pounds.

I'm trying this website out because a friend is on it. I've done weightwatchers before and found the group meetings great but I just can't afford that option right now.

So I'm hitting the gym 3-5 times a week (it's a 1 mile walk each way and I try to spend at least 60 mins exercising while there) and trying to walk around a lot (it's summer! yay!) but I could use some motivation and fresh ideas! And if course, some friends!



  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Welcome! I'm kinda new here myself. Also 5'5 and wanting to lose the same amount. Add me if you like :)
  • naiils
    naiils Posts: 20
    Hello, 5'4 & wanting to lose 16kg.. Scales are slow to go down but the tape measure is being friendly.. Add me if you like
  • MsAnnDee
    MsAnnDee Posts: 1
    I agree with the tape measure idea. You'll see the weight loss and your gym efforts in your measurements before the scale (at least I always do).