Argh, I'm so frustrated with myself!! I did so great last week and actually lost a couple pounds, then I go down the shore this weekend and completely lose control! My hubby and I went out to dinner for our anniversary - I didn't eat that bad (had grilled swordfish) but the amount of drinking we did was what was really bad - had a bottle of wine with dinner, then met up with friends afterwards and had I don't know how many beers!! :drinker: It was TONS of fun, but now I can't stop beating myself up and it's not like it's the first time, this is such a cycle, it's ridiculous. How do I stay motivated when I equate having a fun time with eating and drinking ?!?! And to top it ALL off... an old guy came up to me at the bar congratulating me and asking me when I was DUE!!!!!!!!!!!! How humiliating!:blushing: I had my baby at the end of April!!!!! And I actually felt pretty hot that night up to that point. Shows how much I know. Well... it's Monday, time to start again. Going out for a long walk with the baby to try and burn some of this weekend weight.


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I was due 22 months ago...:grumble: :explode: I still get it all the time.
    Look forward, not back - learn from it and accept it. I overindulged in drink like you this passed weekend. I bet you look great...
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I had a co-worker ask me if I was pregnant again a few weeks ago. It really hurt my feelings - especially since I'm 20 lbs down from where I was a few months ago.

    But, I got over it and so will you.

    Binge drinking happens to the best of us. It's nice to hear that you are back on track.

    Good luck!
  • Scottslass
    Scottslass Posts: 76
    Dont beat yourself up. It was your aniversary after are allowed to celebrate! Just get back on track now. Start afresh.Set yourself mini goals that you can acheive. I know how you feel i was on holiday in Cyprus and feeling great but the receptionist asked when i was due too. I was as embarrased as you were:blushing: But it was the thing to push me into doing something about it.It is a slow process but ill get there and so will you. I have only lost 8 pound since may but i havent put anything back on.

    Pamela :flowerforyou:
  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
    dont beat yourself up, everyone makes mistakes. If you are going out with friends, go somewhere that you won't be tempted to eat and drink so much, maybe a walk through the park? where you could catch up on recent things.
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    Don't beat yourself up.
    My mom asked me if I was PG again on July 4th. :grumble:
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE!! Hearing other people's stories about getting asked that embarrassing question makes me feel better. I really just couldn't believe it b/c I was out at a bar, drinking a beer?!?! I would hope that I'm not preggers if I'm doing that! O well, thanks for the support. Just trying to laugh about it now. I'm back on track today :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I remember being asked that once by a sales clerk at Sears, I was so embarrassed when she asked my due date I made one up. I should have embarrassed HER by telling her about her mistake.
    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    Oh Honey don't feel bad :wink: I still look pregnant 45 pounds down from my starting weight and I had my Son over 2 years ago:blushing: ...that "baby Fat" is the hardest to loose and Lord forbid you experience bloat or your co-workers will start planning you baby shower:grumble:

    If we don't allow ourselves to enjoy the foods and beverages :drinker: we love:heart: once in a while then there is no way to expect learning how to enjoy these things in moderation without having them every day, every weekend or on a regular basis we are ensuring we can maintain our healthy life style once our goals are reached, There by keeping ourselves on a healthy path. Don't look at it as a set back, look at it as a training oportunity to learn how to enjoy the things you like to endulge in without it causing havic in your life or for your overall nutritional goals.

    You let yourself have a good time, Did you get hurt because of it ***NO*** is that one weekend going to undo all the work you have done (assuming you have lost 10 pounds by the time the weekend took place :wink: ) ***NO*** :bigsmile:

    You had a good reason you were celebrating your anniversary and you deserve it. If you don't see a pattern and our results out weight our slip ups...DONT BEAT YOURSELF UP!:happy: We are human and mistakes are natural, but if we learn from it and are doing better then we are doing bad, then bask in our accomplishments, not our downfalls :flowerforyou:

    Keep up the good work and don't let one weekend take away all the work you have put out, I am sure if you have been doing this long enough whatever you ate could not have set you far back , and if you just started and it set you back then lesson learned and let it motivate you not discourage you.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • injuneer81
    injuneer81 Posts: 122 Member
    i tell everyone I am pregnant. I tell them I am having a baby elephant and to look and see if they can see the trunk hanging out. LOL.

    I know, I know. I am rude, crude and ain't got no home training.