


  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I literally go to the bathroom #2 about twice a week if lucky (TMI I know, but LOOK at the TOPIC!) I've been looking into colonics, NOT a do it yourself stupidly expensive way to buy fiber, but an actual pull it all out by a trained professional colonic. They suggest there can be as many as 8-10 meals in there at any given time if you're stopped up, & due to a medication I am on, I am going on 4 years of constipation. Literally, going once or twice a WEEK for years. I KNOW I need to clean out. I had a tummy tuck in 2006, was down to a zero (WAAY too skinny, I've been a 5ish the last six years till now) but oh man, my belly ALWAYS is tight! It's NOT the surgery, it's gas & bloating & constipation. UGH...I AM looking FORWARD to it!!!!) :)
    I looked at your diary for the last few days and it seems like you eat very few fruits and veggies. I used to be really, really constipated. I finally decided to try upping my fiber and water intake, and within 3 days, I was going great. Have been for three years now. Try eating a lot of fruits(not bananas) and veggies, and whole grains. I love Fiber One products like Raisin bran cereal and chewy bars. Also add benefiber and some kind of probiotice whether it be a supplement or yogurt like Activia. I also drink 5 bottles of water a day.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Your intestinal tract is a tube. There is no place in there for things to get stuck. Things go in one end and out the other.

    Each time you start thinking about eating, your bowel starts moving things along (that's why your tummy rumbles). You will tend to move your bowels best after a meal. But the bowel movement won't be the food from your last meal. Each time you eat, things get moved along a little and replaced by the next meal. It's called the "fecal column."

    If you take a laxative to completely empty yourself, you have eliminated the entire fecal column. Now it may take several days for anything to make its way around to be ready to form a bowel movement. You may have cleaned yourself out, but you haven't done anything to address the problem with not moving your bowels regularly.

    The main reason people aren't regular is they don't have time to be regular. You won't move your bowels if you aren't somewhere where you feel comfortable going to the bathroom. You have to take time every day at the same time, go to the bathroom, and sit for a while. Bring something to read or a puzzle book or whatever. Meanwhile have a diet full of moist fruits and vegetables and pulpy juices to keep your bowel movements from getting too dry as the make their way through.

    If you take the time to sit for a little while each time you use the toilet to urinate -- for instance, waiting until you fart a little -- you may find you start moving your bowels several times a day, too.
  • Leesa22
    Leesa22 Posts: 73 Member
    My colon has a sign that says "one way" and my *kitten* has a sign that says "no entry". If I have a problem keeping traffic moving, I call my favorite traffic cop - Officer Metamucil.
    For some reason this made me chuckle...and Metamucil is my friend too....also lowered my cholestrol too...good for many things.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Colonice bad.

    Fiber good.

    If backed up Fiber + mineral oil = real good