23 yrs old - lost 60 and gained 20 back

JJamieGG Posts: 3 Member
Hey there. I'm 23 and hovering around 207. I can't complain because my highest was 247. About a year and half ago I started slowly losing it and stuck around 220 for too long. I finally buckled down and was down to 180, but I then felt invincible and made the horrible choice to stop working out and started eating HORRIBLE again.

Losing it in the first place made me feel the best I've ever felt. It was something I never thought I could do. Its incredible how gaining the weight brings back the "old me" who was angry and depressed and hateful. I am so ready to feel good again and feel proud of myself.

I suppose I'm looking for supporters maybe in my same boat but of course I'm willing to buddy up with anyone who just wants to lose some weight and get healthy! My plan is to work my way up to running around 2 miles about 4 times a week and I've started Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 for strength and extra cardio. If anyone has any suggestions or tips on how NOT to quit again and balance a crazy work/school schedule that'd be fabulous! Thanks!