Back again...

juliej65 Posts: 17 Member
So it has been awhile since I was on here... So I am starting over - a clean slate. I've used every excuse there is about why I can't lose weight... Time for no excuses. My life isn't going to begin after - I feel better - I get over my last surgery - I am off the steroids for awhile.... I could go on and on.

The truth is no matter what I am going through I would feel better physically and emotionally if I would just take care of myself. Eat better, mostly plant based, whole foods, eat less, move more...

Well new computer and hook up so no more of that excuse either... the people on this site are a wonderful support and I am looking forward to being back.

I could really use some friends on here... I will look forward to talking with you and to feel that this isn't a solo journey....:


  • helpellen
    helpellen Posts: 5
    I wish you luck
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    Add me if you'd you like. I'm restarting in a sense as well and with no excuses this time! The more the merrier on this journey!
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    Welcome! Please feel free to add me :)
    I'd love to offer any advice/support I can.
  • htalexander
    htalexander Posts: 81
    Best of luck! I'm also a restarter! lol..I could use some encouragment to log in daily! friend me if u want!
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    "West Shore" here! :)) Feel free to add me.
    CATHYGAYM Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Julie, I too am back again....

    Welcome back!

    I joined last spring, stayed awhile then got tired of tracking and then left.
    It's very hard for me to keep motivated and to keep at things.
    I managed to loose 25 lbs last year then went back to my old habits and gained it all back on again.
    This time I know that if I loose weight I have to keep with the self discipline and life style changes to keep it off.
    If you would like to add me as a friend please do!

    take care,
