118 lbs good for 5'5''?

I feel like I look way bigger than 118 pounds. I think I might have body dysmorphic disorder because noone else seems to think im chubby. I'm NOT asking for attention, but I just want to know if you guys think this is a good weight for someone who is 5'5''??????? I think I would look better if I lost more weight, but I'm afraid I will look too thin to everyone else. I eat 1200+ calories a day and workout 5 times a week.


  • alisont91
    alisont91 Posts: 54
    Oh my gosh. I would LOVE to be 118. I'm 5'5" and 140. It's at the low end of the healthy BMI chart for your height, so you might want to be careful. I would suggest, if you are unhappy with the way you look, trying to build muscle instead of just losing weight. I'm not sure what your workouts consist of, but it's possible you are "skinny fat" i.e. skinny but with little muscle mass. Building muscle can help you appear healthier and more fit to yourself while maintaining (possibly gaining) a few pounds so others won't think you are too skinny.
    In the end though, you have to do what makes you happy. And if you want to lose more weight the healthy way than by all means go for it.
  • wlaurel
    wlaurel Posts: 43
    Thanks for the advice. I have to admit, I have not been doing weights at all. I usually just run, but I'm going to start doing more strength training. (:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    First of all, you are absolutely beautiful. Stunning!

    Secondly, I would suggest NOT losing any more weight. If you want to change your body lift weights and eat more than 1200 calories. Fuel your body for working hard and it will thank you.
  • wlaurel
    wlaurel Posts: 43
    Thank you so much! (:
  • tialeanne
    tialeanne Posts: 186 Member
    You are absofreakinglutely BEAUTIFUL. I mean that seriously. 5'5" 118 is perfection, you're golden babe!
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    Wow you ARE gorgeous! Like someone else said, you're on the lower end of the healthy weight range for your height. Toning up might make you feel better about your body... You might put on a pound or two but you'll look more compact and healthy.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Can u post a pic showing body like in jeans and t-shirt. But I think you probably do think you are bigger than you are.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Have a look at


    You can choose different heights, weights and body shape to see what real women look like in the varying scenarios
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 118-124 is perfect for me. Back in the day, when I'd stress over work or some stupid boyfriend and dip down around 115, my mother used to tell me I was too skinny -- and she worked hard to stay TINY, so you know she was being honest.

    If you're worried you might have issues with perceiving how your body looks, you might consider seeing a doctor. Getting an opinion from a medical professional could be helpful.

  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Have a look at


    You can choose different heights, weights and body shape to see what real women look like in the varying scenarios

    Thanks for that.
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    118lbs is a great weight for 5'5. X
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    I think you look great now, but if you aren't pleased with how you look/ want a leaner look, I'd agree that strength training is your best bet. We're the same height, and when I weighed around 117 I looked pretty good, but I looked better 5 lbs heavier after tightening up and adding some resistance training including weights. I actually wore a smaller size as well. This was a few years ago, and I remember being shocked that size 2 pants were getting loose even though I'd gained a few pounds.
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    I am also 5'5, and my UGW is 135, I am a curvy girl though: big boobs, small waist, child bearing hips :laugh:

    I personally would never go lower than 130lb, but as I said, I enjoy my curves.

  • katismiles
    katismiles Posts: 96 Member
    That's my goal! And I'm the same height as you!!! It's a good goal, check out the BMI scale on here. :D
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Have a look at


    You can choose different heights, weights and body shape to see what real women look like in the varying scenarios

    Cool site. Thanks for posting that.
  • Rachlovesfitness
    Rachlovesfitness Posts: 219 Member
    I am 5'5 and 132..and you have my DREAM body..I cannot wait to get to where you are!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Around 18% body fat is good for any women, in my opinion.
  • cjmas
    cjmas Posts: 63
    When I was in high school, that was about what I weighed (and at that height.) I was pretty tiny, although I thought I needed to lose weight. Anyways, you look AMAZING. I'm with the other posters... I wouldn't worry about losing any more weight at this point, but incorporate some strength training. Be warned: at your size, weight training might make you GAIN weight, but if it's lean muscle mass, it will be positive weight. My freshman year of college, (ah, to be young and have a super active lifestyle!), I weighed around 125, and my body was phenomenal.

    I'm 5'6" now, and would frankly be happy at 140. (Although I'm aiming for 135.) I know my body, and for me, when I'm lean and muscled, there is no way I can get that low. It's just not how I'm built. (Also, I love wine too much. Haha.) You look great, though! You definitely have some image issues if you think you're big, but I it's probably safe to say most of us here do! Honestly, you look great; super fit and healthy.

    Keep at the running. You can even just incorporate some body-weight training... no need to pump iron if you're not into it. Thanks for inspiring me to keep up my own running! :)
  • wlaurel
    wlaurel Posts: 43
    I am 5'5 and 132..and you have my DREAM body..I cannot wait to get to where you are!

    You are sweet :) I started at 132, it took about 5 months for me to get down to 118. Good luck (: (:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am 5'5 and 132..and you have my DREAM body..I cannot wait to get to where you are!

    You are sweet :) I started at 132, it took about 5 months for me to get down to 118. Good luck (: (:

    sigh...I started 132, and working out hard and eating right...now I am 140...Cannot stop thinking I must be an idiot...I sometimes want to just quit everything and sit there for a good cry. :(