No motivation at all! :(

Hi all. I'm really struggling at the moment to find motivation to start my healthy diet and exercise plan.... well when i say plan, i haven't actually got one.

I have recently joined back at my old gym so that i can go swimming 4 times a week and i have been once, I start everyday off thinking "right this is it, today is the day, i feel really good about this" I plan my meals then by the time evening comes around i have gone off my plan and eaten something else, then feel like a failure which leads me to say "oh stuff it, i will start again in the morning"
I have a large family, who all eat different things from each other, so im always around the wrong foods or the foods that are healthy but not good for weight loss so keeping on track is a big problem for me. I'm all for positivity and could give someone great advice but can't seem to listen to myself. I dont go over the top eating rubbish but i feel so bad and think "just draw a line under it and start again tomorrow" but things are just not working for me.
I need some serious motivation, i have a holiday coming up in October, i have just come back off my hols at the beginning of May too and spent most of the holiday feeling self concious about my weight. I just need to lose about 1 n half stones and I know i will feel a whle lot better.

Rant over! If anybody has any motivation they can send my way please do so :D xxxx


  • cherries1971
    cherries1971 Posts: 15 Member
    been to the gym at least 3 times a week since i posted this :D not weighed myself yet so not sure of any weight loss' but i do feel so much better for it :D x
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    As you can see the motivation comes from within. No one can make you do anything you don't want to do.
    Looks like you found yours. Congrats.:drinker:
  • Melanie1027
    Congrats on getting started! I've found that if I commit to going to the gym on specific days then I go on those days and don't have guilt about not working out on the days that I am not "scheduled" to go. I'm down 13 pounds since the end of February.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    You don't have to plan out all of your meals if that isn't working. I try to do that.. then I end up eating something else any way.. So I just snack on things all through the day and track them as I do.