Advice on Exercise.

I know people say it all the time but I don't have time to exercise. I work Mon - Thurs, and by the time my daughter has gone to bed its about 7pm and then I'm having my dinner. I do try and go for a long walk with her on Fridays (she's still in a pushchair so that adds a bit of resistance) and then its family time at the weekend. I was hoping someone could give me some advice or tips about fitting some exercises into my day/week.

thank you!! xx


  • what do you do for work? If it is mainly on your feet that is exercise.. And walking does help you lose weight and you just gotta watch your calories
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I hope you don't take offense to this, but if you really wanted to exercise, you would make the time...
  • leanne_bailey
    leanne_bailey Posts: 29 Member
    I know people say it all the time but I don't have time to exercise. I work Mon - Thurs, and by the time my daughter has gone to bed its about 7pm and then I'm having my dinner. I do try and go for a long walk with her on Fridays (she's still in a pushchair so that adds a bit of resistance) and then its family time at the weekend. I was hoping someone could give me some advice or tips about fitting some exercises into my day/week.

    thank you!! xx
    you have to find time for you :) maybe just a couple of hours and go swimming its fantastic for full body workouts :)
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    anything that gets your heart up. you can do exercises at 90% max heart rate for about 12 min a day and have a raised metabolism for up to 36 hours, as long as you don't feed your body sugar. Try squats, pushups, crunches, jumping jacks.. do as many as fast as you can with good form for 20 sec. rest 20 sec and repeat 2 more times.
  • leanne_bailey
    leanne_bailey Posts: 29 Member
    i did 1 hour of swimming yesterday and amazingly burned 904 calories and i really enjoyed it:)
  • emmalecras
    emmalecras Posts: 79 Member
    I have been looking into the Walk At Home DVDs as an option.
  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    tbh there's always time. I bet you spend some time most days watching TV for example. Even if you did 30 minutes intense exercise 3 or 4 times a week doing exercise in your own house - this will make a big difference to you and won't be so much time out of your life. If you don't have time then the intensity of the exercise is important - walking takes a up a lot of time for the amount of calories you burn, if you don't have the time then do something that makes you really work up a sweat in a short period of time. This is good to do anyway. I've started doing this lately and feel exhilarated after it. Kettlebell exercises are a great way of doing this apparently. I'm going to be trying them out soon. Meanwhile what I do quite often is go for a quick jog, come back in the house, get my exercise mat out and go flat out doing exercises. I take as little rest as possible in between each exercise. It's go go go. Not using any weights at the moment, just using my own body - doing push ups, sit ups, leg strengthening exercises. I usually work on upper body one day and legs the next. some useful sites I use for exercises are and
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I lot of Mums seem to do exercise DVDs before work or with their kids after.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have lots of 10 minute exercise DVD's - as I have to fit it in around kids and studying. I also do lots of walking which helps and have a cross trainer - even 10 minutes a day make a difference.
  • chloebarge
    chloebarge Posts: 53 Member
    I do Jillian Micheals 30 day shred dvd its really good! Just 20 mins a day, can get up half an hour earlier before work. Its quite tough but only 20 mins and you do really see the results xx
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Just walk, thats wha I started to do, if you take a bus, get off a stop earlier and walk, if you drive park a little further away, only doing 10 minutes isbetter than none, I get my *kitten* up at 5.30 to walk to work, it takes mt 2.5 hours, you will find time and after a while it won't take as long. Keep at it

  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    If you want to fit it in during the week, or even family time on the weekend... chase the kids around. My son is two, and just letting him run around outside and chasing after him I get a god 30-60 minute overall jog out of it :D
  • EliBond
    EliBond Posts: 23
    Sounds cheesy but every little helps.
    I don't know what your fitness level is like but running a mile wouldn't take you much more than 10 mins.
    I have a 3.6 mile running route round my house which takes me under half an hour and is a great burner.
    Maybe give that a try :)
    Good Luck
  • MollyMinx
    MollyMinx Posts: 14
    what do you do for work? If it is mainly on your feet that is exercise.. And walking does help you lose weight and you just gotta watch your calories

    Unfortunately my job is in admin so just involves me sitting on my bum at a desk :(
  • The main aim of having an exercise routine is staying fit. Many of us tend to follow an exercise routine to maintain ourselves. While some of us have to resort to this routine to lose calories. These are the fats that accumulate through intake of food high on calories and finally add to our weight. Fried foods, junk food, etc are quite high on it. To lose the extra weight for a healthy body these calories have to burned. Exercise, rigorous gym routine helps you to do so. However, Yoga also helps you reduce your weight. You can burn fats and calories. There are some types or styles in this form of exercise that help you lose weight and get in to shape. Unlike gym you cannot make a ‘six pack abs’ with this form of exercise but you can definitely get in to shape and get rid of all the unwanted calories. There is a myth that this form of exercise is only to relax and get rid of all the stress. However this is incorrect. There are some milder forms which only help you to stay fit and help in your body movement so that you stay energetic.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Yeah, if you want it, you've got to make the time. Get up a little earlier and do an at home DVD or free online workout. Search for some, they're out there. DVD's can cost $5-10 or you could be like me and invest in P90X and some weights from Craiglist and kill it for an hour every day at 4:30am. I do my workout, take a shower, wake up the kids, get them on the bus, work a full-time job and then have dinner and family time in the evening (my kids are older and take care of certain things themselves). I've been doing this now for a couple months and I can't believe the results. You have to WANT to do it. No excuses. Make an appointment in your day for exercise and it will become a habit before long. I also run 3 days a week on top of the morning stuff... but those are harder to fit in and sometimes get lost in the kids' stuff (band concerts/too much homework/etc) but I try for those as well.
  • MollyMinx
    MollyMinx Posts: 14
    Thank you to everyone for all of the tips and advice. I think I do need to work on my motivation and try and break through the tiredness barrier. My daughter maybe nearly two but she is still up a few times a night and then I am up at 6.30am. I suppose once I start eating healthily and drinking more water then I might not feel as tired and sluggish and will do more and then feel better - un- vicious circle :bigsmile:
    I will try and work out a schedule for myself and try and get some time to do a little bit when I can.
    xx :happy:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I know people say it all the time but I don't have time to exercise. I work Mon - Thurs, and by the time my daughter has gone to bed its about 7pm and then I'm having my dinner. I do try and go for a long walk with her on Fridays (she's still in a pushchair so that adds a bit of resistance) and then its family time at the weekend. I was hoping someone could give me some advice or tips about fitting some exercises into my day/week.

    thank you!! xx

    - Exercise after dinner in the evenings (once it's settled)
    - Exercise before work, before people get up.
    - Exercise Fri-Sun.
    - Exercise on your lunch break at work

    It doesn't take much time to fit in exercise. I understand the weekend is family time, but could you not spare half an hour, an hour max, out of your day (on your days off) to get a workout in. I'm sure your family won't mind, it's something that's making you healthier and you deserve something for you right?

    I'm with the others who've said, if you wanted it badly enough you'd find the time. I know it's hard when you work, but you will, you just have to get creative and maybe spend a little less time on other things in order to make that sacrifice. It's finding a balance :smile: If you absolutely must stay with your family all weekend, why not do something active with them?
    - Swimming
    - Bike riding
    - Walking
    etc etc
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'm going to have to agree with everyone else who says if you wanted to, you'd do it. I know this because I used to work 10 hour days, but I'd get up at 5:30 to work out for an hour before work. If you want some short workouts, try and try the old workouts (with Zuzana in them, the new stuff is just weird). The workouts are extremely difficult but short. I know they are usually between 10 and 15 minutes. Everybody's got 15 minutes to spare.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I hate getting up in the mornings to work out. I don't get home until 7pm at the earliest, so I'll often work out then and not eat until 8, or if I'm starving I'll eat something and either do something low-impact (walking. swimming, weight-training) or wait until my dinner's gone down. :flowerforyou: