Dieting while away from home

Hello everyone, I've been doing MFP for just over a week now - I thought I'd see if it worked for me before introducing myself! So far, so good - I lost 2lbs in my first week (probably because I had stopped grazing on bad stuff in between my meals, started eating sensibly, and exercising!) and am aiming for a steady 1-2lbs a week.
My full story is in my blog if you wish to find out more about me :-)

This week I face my first real challenge as I have to go away with work tomorrow morning, and won't be back until Friday afternoon. I'm in a hotel tomorrow night so will need a meal and a breakfast there. I'll also be picking up lunch both days out on the road.

This is something I've always struggled with in the past. I know this time I can read labels and count calories which gives me some comfort, and I'll be able to access MFP via the website (I don't have a phone which supports the app).

I'm still worried that I'll stray off track, particularly for the evening meal because I tend to what what is put in front of me in a hotel meal!

How do other people beat this particular challenge, when you're not as easily in control f what food you have to eat?

Thanks :-)


  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    you just gotta do the best you can. Even if you are unsure about the content of what you are eating, common sense is going to be the best tool here. Choosing a salad instead if a burger, things of that nature. If you dont feel like your in control over what food you have just eat in moderation, i.e smaller portions, and try to choose the things that are obviously better.. you can totally bring fruits that will keep without being refrigerated like bananas or oranges and such to snack on. If you snack and stay full-ish during the course of your day off good choices then when you get to dinner you wont be starving and therefore have a better chance at making a healthier decision.

    Its possible to eat out and stay on track, especially if youre not a picky eater.
  • DiamonteSandal
    DiamonteSandal Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, thanks for your reply. I tend not to think to snack so that's a good one - at home I tend to grab a handful of raisins if I get the munchies, so I think I'll take some with me. I used to eat a whole big bag of Jelly Babies on a three hour drive (sugar rush to keep me awake LOL, at least that was my excuse!) so munching some raisins would probably be a great substitute.
    Sadly I'm not a fruit lover, no matter how I try (apart from IN things LOL).
    You're probably right that I shouldn't then be starving by the time I get to hotel restaurant!

    Portion size is my problem too - only because i hate to waste food, so where at home i'd only serve out an appropriate portion, I feel really bad sending back a plate that's half full. Why do servings have to be SO huge in many places?

    Definitely liking the snacking tip. Off to put the raisins where I won't forget them!

    Thanks :-)