what to do now?

Hi everyone. Today and yesturday, i've been in a lot of pain, with my legs and now especially my lower back. Even putting the shopping away at home hurt so not sure what to do now because i hate not being able to do my normal daily workouts. This sucks mainly because i have my birthday coming up and therefore eating a lot. was going to have a day off the eating thing. Now can't do zumba, kettlebell, or any other exercise. What do i do?


  • DerDude
    DerDude Posts: 170
    Put a hot-water bottle in your bag and lay down in bed or somewhere convenient. If it´s not better in about 2 days...watch a doc!
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    Definetely don't exercise today in that case. Try to take relaxing bath with salt
  • VictoriaSadler
    VictoriaSadler Posts: 13 Member
    Just did Zumba flat abbs 20 minutes. regretting it now on my back :/ still, got to clean now...