Eating exercise cals and Eat More to Lose - same thing?



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Would the Eat More to Lose crowd say I should up the calories as well?
    Probably - they're the "exercise loads so you can eat a lot" crowd. So they would probably have you exercise even more and eat ore to sustain the same deficit.

    So wrong!

    If you have your calories set at your BMR then I say eat back your exercise calories. If you eat you TDEE then no, you do not have to eat back exersice calories because they are already calculated in. It works out to be about the same though so how ever you decide to do it will be fine!

    This helped me alot!

    YOU DO NTO SET YOUR CALS AT BMR. You set them at TDEE with sedentary lifestyle, then you can eat back calories. Or, if you just want a constant calorie amount, just firgure out your TDEE, cut about 15% off it, and eat that consistently and do your exercises as planned. You will lose weight either way.

    If you eat at TDEE AND eat back your cals, you will not lose as there will be no deficit.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    YOU DO NTO SET YOUR CALS AT BMR. You set them at TDEE with sedentary lifestyle, then you can eat back calories. ... You will lose weight either way.

    How would you lose with this method? Assuming your calculations for TDEE are correct, you would be eating exactly the same number of calories as you expend, which should result in weight maintenance not loss. You need a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Sorry, you eat TDEE at goal weight. Eating at BMR is just stupid and unhealthy, and anyone that thinks otherwise may NOT be my friend.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Would the Eat More to Lose crowd say I should up the calories as well?
    Probably - they're the "exercise loads so you can eat a lot" crowd. So they would probably have you exercise even more and eat ore to sustain the same deficit.

    The EMTWL group does not advocate exercising more to eat more. We advocate eating more to sustain what you already do. Most of us only work out 5 days a week 3x strength training and 2, 20-30 minute HIIT workouts. So please don't talk about things that you know nothing about.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Sorry, you eat TDEE at goal weight. Eating at BMR is just stupid and unhealthy, and anyone that thinks otherwise may NOT be my friend.

    Eating at BMR is not always stupid. If you are bed ridden you'll probably gain if you eat above it. But I don't think anyone on this thread has advocated eating at BMR. The discussion was whether eating at BMR plus exercise calories is different than the "eat more to lose" posts.
  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    Would the Eat More to Lose crowd say I should up the calories as well?
    Probably - they're the "exercise loads so you can eat a lot" crowd. So they would probably have you exercise even more and eat ore to sustain the same deficit.

    So wrong!

    If you have your calories set at your BMR then I say eat back your exercise calories. If you eat you TDEE then no, you do not have to eat back exersice calories because they are already calculated in. It works out to be about the same though so how ever you decide to do it will be fine!

    This helped me alot!

    This makes sense. I set my BMR based on someone's recommendation earlier on this thread (thanks, btw). And so, for the first time ever, I plan to eat back my exercise calories. Gotta admit, it scares me a bit. But the weight loss has slowed down and I still have far to go. Hoping this works.
  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    Ugh... so much wrong with this thread.

    Generally speaking:

    Eat more to lose means netting a high number of cals to get closer to your TDEE. The idea is that your body functions better with more fuel, so while you still need to be at a deficit to lose, the smaller the deficit is the more efficiently your body will function. Ultimately everyone has a caloric "sweet spot" they need to find... the number of cals you need to net for your body to feel good, work well, and still lose weight. The eat more to lose crowd will say that sweet spot is higher than you think it is.

    Eating back exercise cals is completely different. We've all used some sort of formula to calculate/estimate the number of cals we need to eat to hit our weight loss/gain goals. In most cases, that formula takes into consideration your lifestyle/activity level (i.e. the more active you are on a day-to-day basis, the more cals you need). If you factor your exercise into your activity level, then your exercise cals are accounted for in the formula, and you DO NOT need to eat them back. If you didn't factor them in (as many don't), then you should be eating back most of them.

    Thank you! The distinction between the two concepts is very helpful. And, no, I didn't factor them in when I set MFP up.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    Eating back exercise cals is completely different. We've all used some sort of formula to calculate/estimate the number of cals we need to eat to hit our weight loss/gain goals. In most cases, that formula takes into consideration your lifestyle/activity level (i.e. the more active you are on a day-to-day basis, the more cals you need). If you factor your exercise into your activity level, then your exercise cals are accounted for in the formula, and you DO NOT need to eat them back. If you didn't factor them in (as many don't), then you should be eating back most of them.
    Eating more to lose is about lessening your deficit to lose more weight.

    Eating back exercise cals is about meeting your daily caloric need, and to a lesser extent, what that caloric need is based on.


    You don't have to be so rude to everyone, especially when they are trying to advocate the same thing as you. I guess I didn't realize I was dealing with a genius. Honestly, I still think they are similar, and you're getting all crazy about semantics.

    OP. Check out the eat more to weigh less group. Enough said.

    hes def not being rude and MOST DEF trying to be helpful!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Sorry, you eat TDEE at goal weight. Eating at BMR is just stupid and unhealthy, and anyone that thinks otherwise may NOT be my friend.

    Eating at BMR is not always stupid. If you are bed ridden you'll probably gain if you eat above it. But I don't think anyone on this thread has advocated eating at BMR. The discussion was whether eating at BMR plus exercise calories is different than the "eat more to lose" posts.

    Unfortunately, I don't know what is really behind all the calculations that the various websites use. So, I can't say how it is calculated. I can say that my BMR plus exercise, and my eat more to lose more calories are very different by a lot.
  • nostripewhite
    nostripewhite Posts: 53 Member
    Honestly, you should just check out the group. Even if you don't stay, it's better to get it from the horses mouth. If you get all of the information there, and are still skeptical, maybe it's not for you?

    But I can tell you, people on here who are bashing it are kind of skewering the idea.

    For example, I have a lightly active lifestyle, so my TDEE is supposed to be around 2600. I eat to around 2200-2300 on a daily basis, as my target.

    Any additional exercise I partake in, I eat back a majority of my calories, to make sure I stay well above my BMR, which is 1750-1850, depending on which formula I trust.

    At the end of the day, I bring in 2200-2300 net calories, which is 400 or so below my TDEE. I' m good with this, and looking forward to seeing how it goes.

    Oh wow, I ranted. :p