Have you lost big and then regained some?



  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    Yes, about 5 years ago I lost 60 pounds, and since then gained most of it back :( that's why I'm on here now ... I srsly want to get back into my skinny clothes.

    I believe most of the gaining back was due to depression and culture shock.
  • mrsbastone
    mrsbastone Posts: 83 Member
    Yup.. About 11 years ago I lost about 70 pounds.. I yo yoed with about 25 pounds.. but managed to always get back to my goal weight. then 7 years ago I got pregnant with my first daughter and gained it allll back.. quickly got pregnant with my second daughter. gained a little more. Then I was able to get down 30.. put that back on plus a little... This year I was able to get around to where I was 10 years ago. It only took 5 years to get off the "baby weight". haha.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I lost about 100 pounds over about 8 years, and maintained that loss for a few years. Then I regained about 25 pounds. I have subsequently lost about 5 of those pounds, and I'd like to lose another 5-10. I was skinny fat at my lowest weight, so I don't necessarily want to lose all of the weight I've regained. I'm finding it is more difficult to lose weight this time around, although that might in part be because of increased exercise and associated increases in muscle mass and hunger (my initial loss involved little exercise).
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I lost about 85 pounds from June 2010 until January 2011. Over the last 14 months, I've put about 20 pounds back on and I'm now struggling to lose those again. Like the OP, it's for stupid reasons, nothing that is out of my control. I've been working out like a fiend, but eating like every meal is going to be my last. I need to stop making excuses and get back on what worked for me before - just eating smart, the whole calories in vs. calories out thing and keep on working out like I have been.
  • Sunpoet
    Sunpoet Posts: 67
    Yup, add me to that group as well. Five years ago my high was 292, I went down to 225 and felt fantastic. I managed to keep the weight off for two years and the usual, life got in the way and it started creeping back up. Last year I tried to work with a nutritionist sorta mandated by my husband's insurance to prevent our rate going sky high and her suggestions were all wrong for me. I was a strict vegetarian at the time and I'm also a type 1 diabetic.

    I quickly put on the last 20 pounds while trying to follow her advice. When I hit 285 I said enough so now I'm doing it my way. Eating what is right for my body, counting calories, and working out. I do agree that it seems harder to lose rebound fat that it was the first time around. Of course it could be that age thing as well, lol.
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 301
    3 1/2 years ago I did herbal magic.
    In 10 months I lost 132 lbs, over the last three years I gained it back
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    After I had my kids, I lost the same 40-60 pounds 3-4 times. This time I hope becuase I have actually changed my eating habits, exercise, and use MFP that I won't have to lose it again!

    Good luck everyone.,
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Yes. I lost 64 and then I hit a plateau. Everyone was crying out for me to eat more, so I upped my calories by 200-300 per day. In 3 months i gained back 10 pounds. I have re-lost 8 of those by cutting my calories again. The older you are, the more this body becomes fussy about it's metabolism. It is just a lot trickier after 40.
  • beckystahnke
    beckystahnke Posts: 41 Member
    Yep! My weight has gone up and down most of my life. Although, I am starting to realize, that's how it is for most people. *Most* people put on weight during certain stages of their life and take it off during other stages. I've come to accept more now than ever before that this may happen at other times in my life, and it's not the end of the world. It's never all or nothing.

    Let's see... how many times have I gained back what I've lost? Well, in 7th grade it started when I gained 40 pounds from 130 pounds to 170. I thought I was huge back then (looking back...not really.) I went to Weight Watchers with my Mom and lost 35 pounds. I maintained that loss until I turned 16 (about 2 years) and I fell into a relationship with an extremely abusive man that unfortunately lasted on and off, about 5 years. I went up to 210 pounds in that relationship.

    Once that was over, when I turned about 21, the weight slowly started coming off. I did a few things like South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers again, to no avail. But, the combination of trying different things and overcoming some setbacks got me back to 170. This happened over about 2 years.

    In 2008, I met a new guy who was seemingly great at the time, although that relationship ended very badly about 2 years later in 2010. During the time I was with him, I endured extreme stress and depression due to a job loss and the relationship itself. I actually lost weight during this time because I decided to try a gluten free/dairy free diet since I was experiencing some digestive issues. I thought this would help. It did help somewhat, and I got down to about 150. I maintained that weight of 150 until 2011 when I met my fiance.

    And since then, well... I have gained everything back plus some. I also went back to gluten and dairy as the digestive issues cleared up, although I feel that has made a difference in the weight gain as well. I have endured the most stress I've ever had in my life from breaking up with my ex in 2010 even to today. From reading other people's replies, it seems like stress is a huge weight gain trigger. I am now at my highest weight ever, despite my use of MyFitnessPal religiously for the past year or so. I have steadily gone from 140 pounds in August 2010 to 220 pounds today.

    I now see a counselor about my body image and weight issues - she specifically works with people who have body image issues. I've learned SO much about my eating habits by just being aware and talking about it on a weekly basis with someone who offers incredible insight. Now that I'm older (yes, I am in my 20's, but it's older than I used to be!) I am learning a lot more about my relationship with food and how I handle stress.
  • DaleArden
    DaleArden Posts: 26
    Between 2006-2007 I lost about 80lbs. Managed to keep it off for just over a year, then moved to the US (from England) to be with my partner and enjoyed a massive honeymoon with American food. And it will be no surprise to learn that I gained back the 80lbs. I've been working out like a demon since February and haven't managed to lose a pound but I am shaping up inchwise. I'll get there, just not sure when!
  • blackjax007
    blackjax007 Posts: 52
    YES Been there - done that! I lost over 90 pounds working really hard about three years ago, and hit 194 lbs. I was in good shape... and then I let it all go. Got back up to 262 and dropped 30 lbs to get into my wedding duds. After the wedding went back up to 262 again. I've finally decided that my life style needs to change. I'm back at it and I'm not going back. Nervous about that magical 194 #. Been there twice (one other time years ago).
  • WonderWomanDawn
    i dropped about 60lbs and gained it back over the course of a few years then i got pregnant...lost a little..got pregnant again and then lost twins...of course i was depressed and believe it or not i did not gain any...but by the grace of God i got pregnant again with my 8 year old and I gained way more weight than i should have....now i am here going at it to get this weight off and to keep it off for good.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    After my son was born (almosst 18 years ago), I lost all the baby weight within the first year or so. Went from 190 down to around 145.
    I maintained that until about 3 years ago, I started gaining. Now, I'm around 235, ugh. 45 pounds more than I was at 9 months pregnant. I'm working now to try and figure out what happened, it's clearly something emotional...
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    That was me. I lost 80+ lbs in 2003, then slowly started gaining. Two kids later, and just a busier life, I am now back at getting healthy again. Both times I took it as a lifestyle change, but old habits die hard.

    I have come to the realization that for me, that I will never be a person who doesn't have to think about maintaining and food, etc. I will alway have to plan and make good choices.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    That was me. I lost 80+ lbs in 2003, then slowly started gaining. Two kids later, and just a busier life, I am now back at getting healthy again. Both times I took it as a lifestyle change, but old habits die hard.

    I have come to the realization that for me, that I will never be a person who doesn't have to think about maintaining and food, etc. I will alway have to plan and make good choices.

    ME TOO! I have to do this for life or I will gain it back..
  • rdfhunter
    rdfhunter Posts: 95 Member
    Another sailor on this same boat....

    4 years ago I started at 372 & in 5 months made it down to 290. Since the laziness has once again taken over my life & I made it back up to the 350's. I'm 38 now & if I can't do this on my own before I turn 40 then I'm going the surgery route.
  • kaneda333
    kaneda333 Posts: 15 Member
    I lost about about 65 pounds then gained about 15 back. Back on it now. My goal was to lose 70 pounds so bit gutted I never made it - will make it this time though!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    seems that there are alot of us in this category about 12 yrs ago I lost 105 lbs kept it off for 4 yrs then I got sick fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue , hypothyroid and because of meds, being in pain all the time and not exercising and comfort eating I gained it all back plus a little more. Then in july 2010 I ran across MFP and decided I was sick and tired of being sick and tired I might as well try it and have since lost 102 lbs right now I am concentrating on getting toned but if I lose a little more that would be ok too. It is hard doing it again knowing you failed once, It terrifies me that I might put the weight back on, but I am determined
  • slinne
    slinne Posts: 46 Member
    I can definitely relate to this. I have always been over-weight and never really tried to lose weight until 6 years ago. I went on one of those pre-packaged food diets and lost 125 lbs. I went from 370-245. I stopped buying the food and shortly after that I slipped back into my bad eating habits. I gained all of that weight back PLUS 40 more lbs!

    I started to change my lifestyle at the beginning of April, when I was at my heaviest EVER at 410 lbs. In the past two months I have lost 42 lbs, and I plan to eventually hit my goal of 175 lbs.

    The difference between this time and last time is that this time I am actually learning how to cook my meals and eat the right way. I am not relying on just eating pre-packaged food. I think these things I am learning are things I can apply for the rest of my life, and so once I lose the weight I should be able to maintain it.

    It was very disheartening a week ago when I weighed in at 369 lbs and realized I was back to the place I started losing weight 6 years ago. But I am not going to focus on that and plan on just pushing forward now and remaining focused on my current goals.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I always enjoy having more people to share this journey with. it makes it so much easier having a support group. Good luck with your journey!
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    See that ticker down there? It used to read "82 lbs. lost" not that long ago :ohwell: :sad: I'm back at it now though and just started training for a 5K. Hope that does the trick to get it off and stay off. Good luck to you, it's definitely a constant battle.