Signs, signs, everywhere a sign

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the evil bread, breakin' my mind
Eat this, don't eat that, can't you read the sign?

Seriously! If I have to read one more research site or fat calculator that says do this don't do that I am going to scream!

The digital scale? Oh, I threw that in the shower. The measuring tape? That is in the blender. My MFP friends? oh they unfriended me for posting this thread and being depressing......

Any way.... I am going to go eat a big bowl of empty calories with sugar sprinkled on top(cereal) with three strips of bacon(milk) and then I am going to go spend the next five hours doing squats(measuring/laying tile) and then I am going to eat back the 1900 calories I burned doing so....

help me..........................


  • supersourbubble
    Someone needs to introduce you to helloitsdan. He posts a bunch of great information that goes into detail about eating more to lose more. I'll find some of his posts for you since it helped me so much. Eating more sounds crazy , but it does work. Don't stress out, we're all here to help. I net 1600 but food wise I eat almost 1800-1900 cals a day and have lost 40 lbs since January. I'm 4 lbs from goal. Ok, I'll be back with posts from Dan for you.
  • supersourbubble

    Ok, this is what I was looking for. It explains a lot. He also runs a group called fuel the machine. You can message him for an invite. I PROMISE EATING MORE WILL HELP. you just have to get past being able to wrap your head around it.
  • callmecaptain
    I know you keep telling me to eat more and I am going to listen but the whole thing sounds soooo scary. I have to do something different and it all makes sense....
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Well, it sounds like you are over thinking it maybe a wee bit. Try to relax a little. Stress is a fat magnet.

    Keep laying tile, eating your cheerios (or whatever) and take it a day at a time.
