
I do my line dancing 5 times a week sometimes more, I try to do a zumba class twicw a week , I am really struggling to lose weight, I have also got the wi zumba at home and a treadmill, which is the best to do for the best results in shape
thanks in advance


  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    What are you eating. Im struggling too at the mo and not sure why, not fitting in much excercise mind but even so Im eating lean meat and fish every day.
  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    Here are my two cents ladies... take it for what it is :)

    defor5050: It's not necessarily the type of exercise, but your intensity. Sure, there are exercises that burn more calories than others. However, if you've been doing the same fitness routine at the same intensity for more than a month or so, you may no longer be burning the same number of calories now as you were in the beginning. With time, our bodies become more efficient in our physical efforts, therefore we use less energy (calories) to move. Try switching up your intensity for a week or two and see if your weight starts to change :)

    hazelclark: weightloss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. So good for you to be adding lean meat and fish into your daily diet. Consider how many calories you're taking in. At the end of the day, it's all about creating that deficit. You could be eating all the right foods, but if you're eating more than your burning through the day your weight isn't going to shift.

    Feel free to send me a friend request or message me if you have any other thoughts/questions.
    Good Luck on you journey!!!
  • defor5050
    defor5050 Posts: 33
    Thank you so much for your help, think I will try the treadmill and see if that help I have been dancing for years so don't feel I really burn that many calories through dance as my body so used to it
  • defor5050
    defor5050 Posts: 33
    Hi Hazelclark, I tend to have weetabix in the morning or porridge, then lunctime it may be a sandwich under 300 cals, teatime Iam eating quite ofton a weightwatchers meal and veg tend to eat about 1100 cals a day sometimes more when I have excercised
  • 1985Andy
    1985Andy Posts: 161 Member
    +1 to what Dala said. Couldn't have explained it better myself.

    Welcome :)