childhood memories

hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So I see most people crave sweets and what not....i'm the opposite I crave everything salty...i looked back at my childhood and I dont remember eating anything sweet but everything salty...In houston they used to have this "candy" called Lucas...and it was just lemon-lime salt or spicy salt..and i would eat it was prob 2 tbspoons of salt...and then Houston also had a huge drink cup of fries u could get and i would get that and a big mac and eat it alllll at the age of like i was wondering are the foods we eat when we're younger choose the foods we eat when we're older?....did everyone as a child get treated with pies cakes and candy bars?


  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    I'm also all about the salt, sometimes chocolate but mostly salt, and yeah thats what mum liked and when we had bad food it was also usually salty or savory not it makes sense that their could be a connection :smile:

    we also ate a lot of pasta as main meals, and not like as a side with a nice veg or salad, just a big ol plate or two of spag and some bread and we were happy LOL so salty carbs are def my downfall...
    I have changed my eating A LOT in that aspect over the years! and when i do have pasta i over load with veggies, even my spag sauce, and try to choose healthier "salty/savory" type snacks... hummus and celery usually takes care of my salty/crunchy fix :ohwell:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    My mother always used food as a treat for something done well. It was usually going to out for a big meal or burger or something. So I still have a hard time not associating food for rewards. I think my mom did that because as a kid she didn't have much food and to her that was a real treat. Not her fault. So I am trying to learn new ways of treating myself. I DO LOVE A JUICY CHEESEBURGER THOUGH!!!

  • yup...I loved sweets as a kid and still do. I firmly believe we are what we eat and I mean that from birth..
    I try to teach my children differently, but they unfortunetly have a grandmother who thinks she can give them any sweets 24 hours a day...I preach constantly about healthy food to my girls. I have battled weight my whole life and I dont want that for them..of coarse.

    I think thats why changing our habits are so hard. Its like they are ingrained in us to eat what we have always had...its seems more than a mind set. Some days I battle my sweet cravings so yesterday...and i fell flat on my face..but I got back up today fighting...

    Anyways..just my input...and I for one have salt cravings those fries...extra salty...te-he
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    yup...I loved sweets as a kid and still do. I firmly believe we are what we eat and I mean that from birth..
    I try to teach my children differently, but they unfortunetly have a grandmother who thinks she can give them any sweets 24 hours a day...I preach constantly about healthy food to my girls. I have battled weight my whole life and I dont want that for them..of coarse.

    I think thats why changing our habits are so hard. Its like they are ingrained in us to eat what we have always had...its seems more than a mind set. Some days I battle my sweet cravings so yesterday...and i fell flat on my face..but I got back up today fighting...

    Anyways..just my input...and I for one have salt cravings those fries...extra salty...te-he
    off topic, but i looked at ur profile pictures and the transformation is amazing!!..u look wonderful and like an entirely different person!!
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