Those Dang Fat Pictures!

I don't do this often....get on the message boards to empty my thoughts and frustrations, but man, today is my day.

In early March (of this year) I was in a friend's wedding. I started my weight loss journey in January and I had lost about 15lbs at the time of the wedding.

Well, here it is the end of May going on June and she just got the wedding pictures and eagerly posted them to Facebook so her hundreds of Facebook friends (most mutual friends of ours) could admire them. I hear that they're up so I eagerly pounce on my Facebook account to behold these magical and beautifully crafted portraits.

Not. at. all. Picture after picture. I saw unflattering images of my back fat, the double chin I get when I laugh too hard, and pretty much every thing else that would ruin my day--it certainly didn't help that the pictures were in HD quality either.

Currently, I've lost 30 lbs so far, but right now, I'm feel no significance in that achievement at all. Those d*mn pictures. >:( I'm determined though. Instead of drowning my sorrows in french fries and a milkshake, I'm going to sit here and munch on these d*mn grapes so I can keep losing weight. So I can finally see some pictures I AM proud of!


  • Sunpoet
    Sunpoet Posts: 67
    First, 30 pounds is very significant! Well done. Second, it's normal to get discouraged, the same thing happens when I see pictures of myself and they don't match the mental image I have of myself. The solution is to accept, ok, those are not my best pictures but you know what? I'm working hard to change for the better and I know eventually that hard work will be reflected in my pictures. Also, remember, pictures don't often show what an incredible person you are on the inside so try not to let a photo be your sole judge. Hang in there, you CAN do it. We will help you.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    You are 30 pounds ahead of me...that's a plus!

    I have the photos of me at my son's wedding. I had so much trouble just finding a dress that wouldn't make me look like balloon. I didn't really succeed. I don't like the pictures but they are the only one I can son wont get married again when I lose weight. :D

    So remember that you are only part way finished your journey. When you reach your goal and people see those pictures, everyone can comment on how much slimmer you are. You cant escape the can only learn from it. Continued success!
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    My highest weight was at my wedding... I have lost 50lbs since then, with 20lbs more to go, but well, I won't be getting married again, so I have to just love the pictures because they represent one of the best days of my life so far. I am looking forward to losing the rest of the weight, but know that even though those photos will be posted everywhere - on Facebook and on the walls of my home - I will be the living proof that I CAN lose that weight. I'm the same person I was then, just a thinner, healthier version!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    You are beautiful no matter what you weigh!! You are making changes, real lifelong fantastic changes so that people can see you look the same on the outside as you do on the inside!

    That being said, use them to motivate instead of aggravate. And when you are down to where you want to be, I'd flood your facebook page with about a billion of those "look at me now" photos.

    Cheers and enjoy those grapes, Babe!! They are so gonna pay off :bigsmile:
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Think of those wedding pictures as progress pictures for way back when you had lost your first 15lbs. With a 30 lbs loss, I can bet you don't look the same anymore.

    You're having great success. Keep at it. The closer you get to your goal, the more amazed you'll be at how far you've come (and how you don't look like those unflattering pictures).