Need Advice from someone with kids!



  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    There is no wrong answer. What is your priority? I could go either way, there's logic in losing the weight now and then getting pregnant and also understandable to have your second baby and then lose baby weight. If you do decide to get pregnant now, I would keep using MFP to track food and not diet, but make sure your not gaining unnecessary weight. God Bless.

    I agree--very wise advice
  • grayprae
    grayprae Posts: 109 Member
    I think it should be whatever you are comfortable with. I am trying to get down to 145 before i get pregnant again My husband has give me a year to accomplish this. We made this comprise together so we will see how it goes.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    It's your decision, but I can tell you what I did. After I had my first I knew we would be trying for a second within 2 years so I decided to lose most of the baby weight, but not get bent out of shape if I didn't. I still had an extra 10 lbs on when I get pregnant with my second. I had decided that after baby #2 I would take control of my fitness and health and be 100% committed. I didn't like the idea of getting my body back only to "lose" it again with a pregnancy. But every woman is different. Of course, the better shape you are in going in, the easier I'm sure it would be to lose. For me personally, it was psychological. I wanted to know my body was all mine again before I whipped it back into shape. And thats what I've done. I'm currently working on being in the best shape of my life. I'm pretty sure we are done having children, but right now I"m focusing on being fit and healthy. When I was in those "child bearing years" I focused on my fertility and pregnancy.
  • jonesyx6
    jonesyx6 Posts: 46 Member
    It is up to you, but personally, I think that I would feel really depressed gaining ANY weight, even a healthy weight gain, while pregnant after having spent so much time and energy making sure that I lost it all.

    I was 180 when I got pregnant with my second and I actually "lost" weight at first....not because I was trying, but I was eating better and drinking the water that I needed, etc. NOTE, it was not a significant amount that I was more rearranged. SO the doc didn't feel that it was an issue because my child was developing well, and was obviously getting what she needed.

    So, go with what your family goals are...Good luck!
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    I don't want to tell you what to do, but I can tell you what happened with me. I am 5'9" and the top of my healthy BMI is 170. I got pregnant with #1 weighing about 175-180 and not very fit. I gained around 35 lbs. No complications, but the end of the pregnancy was very difficult. Got pregnant with #2 sooner than I wanted. #1 was 12 mo. and I was down to about 200 which is borderline obese for my height. This time I only gained 20 lbs and the pregnancy was much easier on me. No health problems at all, but the Dr. did watch carefully for gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. #3 also came a long sooner than we would have liked. #2 was 10 mo. and I was back down to 198. Watched my weight gain again and put on 20 lbs. Dr. again watched carefully for gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, but all was good. My weight has fluctuated the last year and half. I got up to around 220 after Christmas and decided enough was enough. We're done having babies and #3 is sleeping all night, so no more excuses about being too tired. I'm down to 179 currently and I'm hoping to get down another 20 lbs.

    I think you have to look at how relatively healthy you are currently. If you're having weight related health issues currently you probably should lose the weight first. What's your BMI, your weight alone doesn't really tell anything. I would definitely continue tracking while you're pregnant to maintain a healthy calorie intake. Your Dr. should help you determine what is good for your body. Be careful though. When I got pregnant with #3 my first appt. was at a military hospital, they are VERY focused on BMI. The nurse told me with my BMI right at obese I shouldn't gain ANY weight. She didn't give me an offer for help on how to do this, jut don't gain any weight. I think this is very dangerous comment to make to a pregnant woman. Not gaining weight is possible on a very good diet, which I don't think most people are capable of without goot nutritional guidance. Improperly restricting yourself while pregnant could starve the baby af proper nutrients.
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I am in the same situation. I have lost 90 pounds and still have another 80 to lose but hubby and I decided we want another baby and we're not going to wait another year or 2 because I have some female issues and if we don't do it now, we may never be able to. So we are currently TTC our 5th and final child and I am continuing to eat healthy and exercise, and will continue to do so when I get pregnant. And there is no reason you can't be pregnant and still lose weight as long as you are doing it in a healthy way!
  • saramea
    saramea Posts: 49 Member
    Ask you Dr. Pregnancy is hard enough, why risk additional complications that can be related to weight (pre-E,diabetes, etc.) Personally, Id try to drop the weight. Youre husband does not have a choice but to wait, unless he figured out a way to get himself knocked up, in which case you are off the hook either way.
  • MammaSki2Boys
    It's all up to you. I have 2 boys and they are 3 years apart and I think that is perfect. I only had 1 in a diaper at a time. I say if you want another child then go for it. I gained 60 lbs with my first child and 75 with my second but with hard work and dedication you can get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.
  • neegeeikwa
    neegeeikwa Posts: 2
    I would wait. I had gestational diabetes & it is no joke. If you can hold off it might be easier having a much older first child too.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I just had my third and last baby, and I have to say I am SO EXCITED to be done having babies and get my body back for good. If I were you I'd get the breeding done then really get to a goal weight without worries of having to lose it again after pregnancy. But obviously that's just me and probably not what the majority would say.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Honestly, pregnancy will just make you gain all the weight back. I would have another baby now eat healthily in pregnancy, then start really working on the weight loss after.
  • janahc09
    janahc09 Posts: 12
    I have a sister who is quite a few years older than me, and I really don't want my kids to be as far apart as we were. Thank yall for all your opinions! It's given me a lot to think about.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Certainly it is all up to you and your husband. But, here's my 2 cents worth: I have 6 children and they are all 2 1/2 - 3 yrs apart, except the last two were twins (surprise!!). I always went back to within 10 lbs of my pre-pregnant weight in between the babies and that felt pretty good. I think for me, I just needed to feel good about myself again each time, and I also needed the time to let my body recover. I also think that it would be kind of miserable to be many lbs overweight and pregnant at the same time because both of these conditions just make it plain hard to get around sometimes. Also, pregnancy can cause other health issues sometimes and so the better health you are in going into the pregnancy, the better off you and baby will be. However, you might do well and continue to lose weight or just maintain while you are pregnant, and that would be good, too.

    I do agree with one other person who posted that it's easier on you to have your first child be around 3 yrs old when the next one comes along. And, if possible, have the first one potty trained. I had my first two in diapers at the same time (only for about four months, though) and then when I had my twins I had three in diapers at the same time because my 2 1/2 yr old was not yet potty trained when the twins cam along. Oh my, I am glad I don't have to relive those days!! LOL!!

    I wish you and your husband all the best as you plan and grow your family.
  • mattelfaige
    mattelfaige Posts: 11
    there is no right or wrong to this question. at the weight of 135 you will need to gain 20-25 pounds at least during pregnancy. at 180 if im not mistaken you can work on gaining only 10 pounds or maintaining your 180 weight during pregnancy as long as your dyoing it the healthy weight. as too wether you want another baby right now is your desition. my son is just turned two i know the decition is hard to make
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    There might not be anyone else in my situation or who have gone through the same thing, but I'll try anyway...

    My husband and I have a 19, almost 20, month old son. We are considering adding to our family. I have about 24 pounds to lose before I will feel comfortable even trying for another child. That would put me at 180 pounds. This isn't really a question, so much as just asking for another opinion..Would I wait until I am at my goal weight (135)? I told my husband that it would take me atleast another year to get to my goal weight and he said he's not sure he wants to wait that long to have another baby. Do I wait until I get to 180 and get pregnant, then lose the baby weight, then get to my goal weight from there? Or do I wait until I'm already at my goal weight, get pregnant, lose the baby weight, then just work on maintaining? Any input is appreciated! Thanks!

    i lost 30 lb right before i became prago. The doctor told me not to worry if i gain all that back in the 9 months. Yeah i was shocked!
    You got guts girl my daughter will be 4 in sept and i have one coming in July and i feel its still too close. lol
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    there is no right or wrong to this question. at the weight of 135 you will need to gain 20-25 pounds at least during pregnancy. at 180 if im not mistaken you can work on gaining only 10 pounds or maintaining your 180 weight during pregnancy as long as your dyoing it the healthy weight. as too wether you want another baby right now is your desition. my son is just turned two i know the decition is hard to make

    i was told 15 but close enough
  • BeautifulKristen
    To be honest I would have a kid before you start working out. because if you have a baby you would have to do ALL the work again to get rid of your baby fat.. Unless you don't gain a lot of weight during pregnancy
  • naivenitara
    naivenitara Posts: 32
    Compromise is good, but most importantly do what works best for you and your body. You're the one who has to carry a new baby plus the weight not your hubby so you've got to do what's right for you! Good luck!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    its what ever YOU want to do, after all its not him growing a person in there now is it?
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    That is really a decision that you and your husband must make. I will say that timing sometimes is not left to us on such matters. Make sure that you have the proper balance between age at conception and weight at conception.