What's the best thing to do after binging??



  • kma0576
    kma0576 Posts: 1
    Someone once made this comparison for me: "If you trip going down the stairs, are you going to try to catch yourself or just throw yourself down the rest of the way?"

    Just catch yourself. Drink a lot of water and flush all that crap out of there.
  • Forgive yourself.

    Slips happen. Sometimes they're big, sometimes they're small. What's important is to not kick yourself to death because you had one big meal. Just relax and make the next right action for the next meal — meaning regular portions, food options, etc. You may have had one big meal, but starving yourself at the next meal won't "make it alright".
  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    I agree with those who said drink lots of water. That and a good workout is a good idea.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    We all mess up at some point or another.......................what's the best thing to do if we do over indulge ridiculously!??

    Forgive myself, up my water for a couple of days, maybe try to get a little extra exercise in and not eat all the calories, and move on. Chances are, what most of us think of as a "ridiculous" overindulgence is not even close. If I overindulge by 500 calories, I STILL lose weight because I'm running a 1,000 calorie a day deficit. I just lose it a little more slowly.

    But let's say you overindulged truly ridiculously.

    (2) 6-packs of Guinness Stout (12 beers): 1,500 calories
    (2) 99 Restaurant "All Star" Cheeseburgers: 2,360 calories
    (4) sides of french fries: 1,360 calories
    (4) slices Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake: 1,800 calories

    Total: 7,020 calories.

    At 3,500 calories in a pound, assuming you ate your maintenance allotment that day in addition to the binge above, and that you did not work out that day, that's about 2 pounds.

    I'm losing 2 pounds a week at a pretty steady rate. So that's a setback of one week (once all the temporary sodium gain goes away, which might take a few days).

    In every journey, there are a few mishaps. If this was easy for us, we wouldn't be here. Forgive yourself, move on.