is 1200 really healthy??



  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    1200 is fine, and you don't have to eat back your calories from exercise every day. You might want to "bank" them for a meal out on the weekend. I am 5'4 office job consuming 1200 calories gross. After several years of gaining/losing weight, I have learned that if I eat back all my exercise calories, my weight won't change and I usually gain weight.

    I agree ..I am 5' 21/2 " and eat 1200 I had lost another 2 lbs after a stall....but If I ate back calories it would be on a special occasion as suggested.
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    Just for a different point of view, check out the group, Eat More to Weigh Less. It is very interesting to read the stories from those who think 1200 is way too low. I lost fine at 1200 net for the first couple of months, I figured out my BMR and TEED and did all the calculations recommeded and have started to lose again. I am not saying it will or won't work for anyone else but it wouldn't hurt to check it out. I try to eat about 1700-1750 per day and don't count exercise unless I go over my TEED. I lost 2.5 pounds last week.

    Also agree. EMTWL group works for a lot of people ...I had already lost most of my weight when I heard about the group 3 days ago. So i didn't join. Good Luck
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    1200 is fine, and you don't have to eat back your calories from exercise every day. You might want to "bank" them for a meal out on the weekend. I am 5'4 office job consuming 1200 calories gross. After several years of gaining/losing weight, I have learned that if I eat back all my exercise calories, my weight won't change and I usually gain weight.

    I don't think your body allows for "banking" calories. Use them or lose them.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    I'm 5'4, started at 162 lbs as of May 5th. I'm on 1200 calories a day, but I do exercise close to 20-30 min everyday, whether it be walking around or weights. I've lost 6 lbs since I started. So yes it does work, but like a few people stated already, it has to be healthy food, not empty calories. As you see in my food diary, I eat a lot of veggies and fruits mainly, filling to a certain extent but low in calories.

  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I eat 1200 calories + what I burned through exercise. I've been doing fine. I think since you weigh so much right now (like me) eating at 1200 for a while isn't going to hurt your body, there is plenty extra fuel lol But when you get down to a more normal weight you should definitely raise your calories.

    As for "banking" calories, the 24 hour period means NOTHING to your body. It's calories in vs calories out for an extended period of time.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I'm 5' - 5'1" and I have no problem eating less than 1200 calories a day. I eat healthy foods though. I've been doing this for the past month and it's been going great. I've only been over my calorie limit twice in the past month.
    I don't see any problems with eating 1200 or less ... so yeah I think it's healthy! :)
  • nbreteil
    nbreteil Posts: 40
    thank you for all the opinions. given that I eat really healthy, I guess I'm fine only eating 1200. I changed back my settings to lightly active though, just cause that way maybe I'll eat back a little bit of my exercise calories. It now gives me 1350 calories. not a big change but maybe one more snack! I never like to let myself feel hungry for too long :)
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    1200 is fine, and you don't have to eat back your calories from exercise every day. You might want to "bank" them for a meal out on the weekend. I am 5'4 office job consuming 1200 calories gross. After several years of gaining/losing weight, I have learned that if I eat back all my exercise calories, my weight won't change and I usually gain weight.

    This ^^ I also find being in an office job I dont lose any weight by "eating back the calories" that everyone tells you to do.
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    My worry with them only setting 1200 as a starting goal, was what happens when you've lost weight and then your calorie goals need adjusting again? Because you surely can't go any lower than 1200 and it be healthy.
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    Eat More to Weigh Less did not work for me. I am currently on 1200 and am losing steadily but I have also become vegan and removed any processed food from my diet. Not sure if it's the 1200 or the taking other stuff out. I was on 1500 before and not losing anything. I still have 40 lb to go to my goal.

    Basically, imo, if it works don't fiddle with it. Once it stops working then start worrying.
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    1200 is fine, and you don't have to eat back your calories from exercise every day. You might want to "bank" them for a meal out on the weekend. I am 5'4 office job consuming 1200 calories gross. After several years of gaining/losing weight, I have learned that if I eat back all my exercise calories, my weight won't change and I usually gain weight.

    This ^^ I also find being in an office job I dont lose any weight by "eating back the calories" that everyone tells you to do.

    Yes! I agree with this too! Not all solutions work for all people.
  • tatya317
    tatya317 Posts: 74
    Hi there I am 5 ft 2 and my weight is around where u are now. I started at 260 few months back. If u like a friend/supporter and see what perhaps I'm doing u can add me. I am steadily losing 2 pounds a week and I am eating over 1200 and working out daily 45-60 min .
  • claire7090
    claire7090 Posts: 67
    1200 net worked for me - I set myself at sedentary because my job is sitting alot of the time but then when I do exercise eg walking the kids to school or a gym session I log it as exercise and eat back the all the calories. It meant most days I ate between 1400 and 1500 calories. I have now lost 30lbs and have moved to maintainance - at the moment I have set it at 1650 but MFP reckons 1730 and I still eat back exercise calories therefore am eating about 1900 a day now and appear to still be losing slightly (approx 1lb a month).

    As someone else said on this thread you can eat a lot of food for 1200 calories if you make wise choices - loads of vegetables and fruit and lean meat. If you eat chocolate bars and burgers 1200 will not seem a lot of food and you will be tempted to eat more than your 1200 calories. Remember this a lifestyle change not just a quick fix. :smile: