Okay Ladies, I need some help PLEASE

I have been using this site for about five months now. I have a LOT of weight to lose, over 100 pounds. It is really hard and frustrating for me. I try to eat healthy, lots of veggies, juicing, fruits, chicken... but I live a very busy lifestyle and dont always have time to pack a lunch or cook dinner so i end up eating at dunkin donuts and crappy places that feed me but never the right things. I try to keep yogurts and fruit in the office but get sick of it after a while SO,

What are some of your favorite & healthy on the go meals?

When and how do you prepare them?

What encourages you to keep with things when you are frustrated after trying so hard and seeing so little results?

What advice or encouragement can you give me???

Thanks ahead of time for all of your kind words and advice!


  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    A lot of grocery stores now have delis where you can buy healthier sandwiches or salads. Our Safeway has a nice selection of to-go salads. When I don't have time to make one before work, I duck in there and pick one up. It doesn't take any longer than stopping at a fast-food place, and it's much healthier.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    If I have time I make a frittata with eggs and any other ingredients I have to hand (cheese, bacon, nuts, seeds, herbs, frozen veg, etc.). I take a slice to work for lunch. It's quick to make, and I cool it and wrap it up ready so just need to remember to pick it up from the fridge in the morning. I also keep some Ryvita and cup-a-soups at work for emergencies. A banana and peanut butter is another quick, filling snack.
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    I'm not a lady, but I like ladies so I will chime in too!

    I often make up a batch of tuna fish and parse it out in little Tupperware containers for my busy week days. I also buy celery, clean and chop it into small pieces and eat the tuna with that. (celery makes a good spoon for the tuna)

    I try to have tomatoes on hand, and I just eat them like an apple.

    I also often make a BIG bowl of salad on Sundays and eat that during the week. I have little Tupperware containers with garbanzo beans to throw in for protein. You can even buy some precooked chicken to make it a meal.

    I'm big on taking an apple along with me, and a banana, any fruit in season. (peaches, yum!)

  • lsorensen130
    lsorensen130 Posts: 32 Member
    I bought a big purse and keep lots of healthy snacks in there :) I pack turkey jerky, almonds, etc. so I can dive in when I need to.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    i used body by vi shakes for that reason alone.. i had to stop the crap resturant foods...
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I keep food for lunch for a week at work. Leafy greens and a bottle of salad dressing in the fridge, cans of tuna, whole grain wraps. It's there until it runs out so you don't have to worry about bringing it everyday.

    Dinner is easy to get every night with a little forethought and a crockpot.

    EDIT -- Also, make the lower calorie/higher protein choices when eating out if it's a concern. Dunkin' Donuts has some decent breakfast sandwiches if you find yourself pulled in there :)
  • yabba45
    yabba45 Posts: 35
    I measure and pack my food at night so in the morning its ready to go. I love all fruits and veggies with ranch veggie dip. love the fiber one bars and discovered greek yogurt is pretty tasty. I always eat a normal dinner but my portions sure are smaller since I have joined this site and see how many calories are in everything.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I worked at McDonalds for many years and could make a filling meal under 400 calories for less than $3.
    Side salad w/Italian Dressing
    Apple Dippers
    Ice water
  • DrKittyCat
    DrKittyCat Posts: 108
    What are some of your favorite & healthy on the go meals?

    Meals? I like to have a healthy dose of proteins and veggie carbs. I'll always have some chicken or egg salad on hand, and a lettuce-based salad. I make the salad in advance and keep it in the fridge. I make my own egg salad so I can control the calories. I add the egg salad to the lettuce so I don't need any type of dressing. It's very yummy and filling and it can all be made way in advance. Just plop some into a tupperware and you can be on your way.

    I also use the weekend to grill meats and vegetables in advance. Grilling is clean, healthy, and tasty. I'll grill a bunch of chicken, beef, lamb, and mixed vegetables. I then use these foods for various meals throughout the week. This is the PERFECT summer cooking solution. I don't have to waste time thinking about a healthy food to eat. I can just reach in my fridge and heat up some grilled foods.

    What encourages you to keep with things when you are frustrated after trying so hard and seeing so little results?

    I've gotten myself to a point where, by limiting my caloric intake and upping my proteins, I'm just not hungry. I have no desire to indulge in chocolates, cakes, or other high-cal foods. Keeping with my diet is now just a fact of my life, it's the way of life, it's not a thing I have to think about. It's really frustrating to not see huge results quickly, but I think about how GOOD it'll feel when the pounds do come off.

    What advice or encouragement can you give me???

    Set goals for yourself, cook in advance, have someone in your family or a friend support you... you can do it!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Crockpot recipes that I can throw together on a weekend, then divy up into individual containers for the week. I freeze half as the recipes generally make 12 servings, and when I can I make two different recipes each weekend to keep me from getting bored.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Even places like Dunkin Donuts have menu items you can choose and eat fairly well (the wake-up wraps, for example, and regular coffee with skim milk.) Spend some time looking at nutrition facts online for your go-to places and make a list of "you-approved" items you can order at each place on those days when you just didn't have time to plan ahead. It can be done! :)
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Make dinner and make extras! That's the easiest lunch to pack. I have even eaten my left-over dinner for breakfast when time was not on my side.

    If you have to eat out, go to Taco Bell and get 2 fresco tacos...and only 2!

    Make the weekned a shopping and packing time...shop for the right foods and pack them in the right quantities/weights/servings. Learn about portions as you go.

    Stay away from eating out! Most portions are enough calories for a WHOLE DAY, and that's no joke!

    Drink lots of water! Plain old, clear clean water.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    If you have to buy lunch, just check the packaging for calories. Many places now have healthier options in salads or sandwiches. Sushi is quite good or soup if you can heat it up at work. If bringing from home make homemade soup or salads in tupperware containers. You have to be more organised but its worth it.
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    You can mix anything with brown rice :)

    Recently a friend said get some brown rice (minute rice works great)
    shredded cheese
    bbq sauce
    and if you want to add chicken that works too

    frozen bagged veggies and rice

    frozen veggies

    I used to grill a package of chicken and cut up a couple for salads on sundays and throw the other few in baggies and eat that throughout the week. Just make sure they are packaged right so they stay fresh. Then you have part of a quick meal ready for ya whenever you need it.


    hardboiled eggs cook a dozen and they are ready to go for you when you want to grab and go.
    carrots and hummus
    apples and PB
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    A lot of restaurants have lighter fare meals now too. Some are still pretty high but if I I have to I'll omit the bun from a Wendy's chicken sandwich fast! Drink a lot of water like 30 mins before I eat and keep english muffin always within reach. I pretty much can make anything out of an english muffin now. LOL

    Sweet Fix - English muffin a little butter and sprinkle cinnamon/sugar mix or hershy's coco powder I keep in my desk
    Fast Food Feel - English muffin with 2TBSP tomato sauce one slice of provolone

    and they always make good sandwiches breakfast, lunch or dinner. On the go, within reach, and still reasonable.

    Good luck!
  • lovetobethin86
    lovetobethin86 Posts: 202 Member
    Well...first of all just say no to Dunkin donuts, it wont fill you up anyways...it will make u hungrier faster:( I love Lara bars....literally just fruit, nuts and dates in a bar. Maybe bring an apple or banana. Pre pack the night before?
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    Bake a bunch of chicken on the weekends. Then eat it with salad through the week, or just a bit of bbq sauce, or some brown rice and green beans. You can package it up in containers on the weekend and just grab one as you rush out the door.
  • LLee1104
    LLee1104 Posts: 2
    no sugar added chocolate breakfast essential by carnation added to glass of skim milk (I prefer smart balance 0%)
  • bp716
    bp716 Posts: 68 Member
    I have a similar scheduling/time problem.

    -I have an insulated lunch bag with a freeze pack to be able to take a variety of food to work

    -smoothies- 1 c greek nonfat plain yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder, fiber powder and 1 T instant coffee. I prepack the dry ingredients, then pack the yogurt and just mix and shake with water at work in a shaker cup.

    -double cook meals on the weekends for leftovers for lunches- grill an extra piece of chicken, fish etc. for a salad.

    -1 oz packs of walnuts with 1/2 c of berries make a great and healthy snack.

    -hard boil a dozen eggs for packable snack or salad on a bagel/in a wrap

    Hope this helps
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    I'll bet you have more time than you think. I can scramble an egg and add homemade salsa in less time than it takes to stand in line for an Egg McMuffin. I have no patience for lines.

    I try to carve out a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon/evening to chop and slice all the produce for the week. Also, prepare a couple of entrees like a pot of northern beans with some carrots and potato for low cal, low fat dining. Plus it takes no time to dip some in a plastic container for lunch too.