Yet again, another attempt to get healthy, new here

lbergdvm Posts: 25 Member
Hello to anyone currently online and reading this. I am an almost 48 yr old, short at 5'0, obese, and SO utterly frustrated with my inability to keep my weight controlled. I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds in my lifetime, and at times I have been very fit, but it never lasts. I am going to try this online group in the hopes that I can stay motivated to get the weight off - again - and try to keep it off. I am hopeful that by reading all the shared ideas and success stories that I can return to a weight at which I am happy and healthy. I just started "officially" my weight loss program yesterday. I will eat right, count calories, and hope that I can resist the urge to munch when I am ... (fill in the blank here)... happy or sad or excited or nervous or melancholy or celebratory or too busy at work or not busy enough or ... YES, I am an emotional eater! Anyone else like that?


  • sneekspeete
    sneekspeete Posts: 136
    Omg! I coulda wrote that. I'm 41,5"4', n weigh 188.I started working out @ Curves and using an elliptical about a month ago. So far. I lost 12 lbs n have been stuck at 188 for 2 weeks.SO frustrating!! 3 years ago I was 140! It makes me sick 2 think how far I have fallen.:(.I to am a big time emotional eater! Bored? Lets eat sad, happy, u kno the sad story.I do well all day then after my kid goes to bed it all goes 2 hell.I'm new here also so maybe we can help each other
  • metra28
    metra28 Posts: 1 Member
    I am right there with you. I am 5'6" and weigh over 200 lbs, and I have never, ever been this big. I don't know what else to do except keep trying. I will be 45 this year. Maybe we can encourage each other.
  • Mustaine4Pres
    I'm 5'4 and 200 lbs. I weighed 108 when i got married 18 years ago. Maintained a healthy weight till i got pregnant 5 years ago and have been gaining since. I do not remember having to work THIS hard to lose weight before having a baby and\or getting older :(

    I just keep thinking that i'm doing this to get healthy and i'm not trying to worry so much about what i look like. i stopped buying clothes that i knew were too small for me thinking "I'll be able to wear this in a few months"...

    Hopefully we can keep each other motivated! Feel free to add me.
  • MerriAlbert
    Keep positive! Don't look back, that will only get you down. Instead, look forward, make a plan of attack and go!
  • lbergdvm
    lbergdvm Posts: 25 Member
    Wow, so many encouraging responses - I am thrilled and excited that maybe I can do this, even though I have felt this way before - anyone want to go out and get a banana split to celebrate the new friendships? (ha, ha). See my problem though?

    Ok, I will look forward to a healthy future (except to look back to remember how good I felt when I weighed 115-120 lbs) and not think about my many years of yo-yo success/failure.

    Fifty pounds to go... and how do I "friend" you guys? Is this like facebook?

    Can anyone suggest a way to "reward" myself when I am depressed? I have a job that is occasionally very sad, and after such times I often stop at the store on my way home to get ice cream, which actually does make me feel better... until I've eaten it all and then of course I get disgusted with myself.
  • lbergdvm
    lbergdvm Posts: 25 Member
    Metra, you sound as discouraged as I feel! Maybe we can all help each other. I have been as high as 180 (my "highest" ever) and as low as 118 (a realistic weight for me). I don't know what to do either other than keep trying. I am pretty good at losing weight (I have LOTS of experience) but then I get down to a good weight, and it seems like in no time at all I'm back up again. I know how to eat healthy, I know how to count calories, but somehow I let my love of good food and my "emotional" eating over-ride my good sense! I'm sure there is some addictive or psychological issue for my over-eating.
  • LaGordita87
    LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member