You just know your ready......

I see alot of post with people saying...I dont know if I can do this....this is so hard...I dont think I can stick to this....

I dont know about anyone else but I have "dieted" on and off for 20 years. Wanting to lose the weight really bad but starting and within a week or two quitting because it was to hard. This time however 1 day a light bulb just came on and I was done! I am now on week 5 of changing my lifestyle and still going strong. I havent complained, whinned or quit. I buckled down and got to it. I am a firm believer in when your ready ,your ready and it wont be hard or misrable. It is like my eyes have been opened and I can now see the way.

Just felt the need to say that! :)


  • Sweet_Pea_82
    Sweet_Pea_82 Posts: 41 Member
    :flowerforyou: AGREED!
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    Well said!
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    Totally agree!!!!! Sometimes I feel I'm too harsh on people when they ask for advice. I hate hearing excuses. Take control of your life and DO IT! This is so cliche, but of I can do this, anyone can.
  • AkkiBree
    AkkiBree Posts: 12
    That is awesome! I hope this happens to me...soon! Keep it up!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I agree.
    If you're miserable or fighting it, you're just not ready.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Just got tired of not fitting in the bathroom stall, getting cramps while wiping my *kitten*, getting winded tying my shoes, and not being able to sleep because of apnea. I was just READY!
  • DunnaStunna
    DunnaStunna Posts: 22 Member
    Totally agree. I tell people its like quitting smoking. You are the one that has to decide you're done and life is going to change.
  • TamaraHaase
    TamaraHaase Posts: 39 Member
    I feel the same! After this long battle, this time around it's not even a struggle. I don't feel like I'm dieting, just more aware.
  • I Also agree I finally am ready after all these years saying I'll start on Monday.. I just started this and I am hoping to lose 77 pounds.. I know I can do this =)
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Same here. I got tired of not being able to fit into roller coasters, airplane seats, old movie theatre seats, etc. Even some restaurant and concert venue chairs are too tight if they have arms. I started panicking whenever my boyfriend suggested a new restaurant or show because I was so scared I wouldn't fit and people would laugh at me. When it started affecting my every day quality of living like that, I knew it was time. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. I already feel so much better. I have more energy, my joints don't hurt, and my clothes already fit better.
  • ladybug114
    ladybug114 Posts: 39 Member
    This is EXACTLY what happened to me. For years I hated being fat and miserable and I would complain to no end. I would "try" and fail, but I don't think I was really trying. Then one day I decided to stop being so lazy and pathetic and move my *kitten*. Now I'm 20 lbs down and just completed a half marathon. It can be done. :)
  • mrsmjackson24
    mrsmjackson24 Posts: 4 Member
    Ohhh the infamous "I'll start monday" you truly have to have a made up mind.....I know my mind is made up because I work out alone and before I always wanted friends or a group!!! 7lbs away from my short term goal keep up the good work everybody
  • laurels12
    laurels12 Posts: 54 Member
    I feel the same! After this long battle, this time around it's not even a struggle. I don't feel like I'm dieting, just more aware.

    Totally agree with this.... it's like I've got a whole different mindset...
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 217 Member
    Yea I dont know how many times I have said that over the years! And this time I started on a Tuesday!! lol

    I also agree this is like quitting smoking. When you decide you are ready to quit you just throw them away and you are done. You are the only one that can decide any of this.

    Great job everyone!!!
    Ohhh the infamous "I'll start monday" you truly have to have a made up mind.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I agree. Of course, I don't think that *not* being ready should deter anyone from trying. I too have done this many times and have finally "gotten it", but that doesn't mean that I didn't learn something from the other 99 times I tried to do it before. This is why it's a journey!