Maybe this time...

Hello everyone.

My name is Stacey and I'm new to mfp. My weight has been a struggle all of my adult life and I'm at my wits-end. I hope this will finally be the tool that works for me! Nothing else has worked for a very long time.


  • Hi Stacey, Welcome to MFP!! I just joined three weeks ago and am very happy with this tool. I lost about 60 pounds on Weight Watchers, then nothing for a month; then I joined "Curves" and MFP for tracking. I've lost 7 more pounds. I keep my laptop on the counter and record EVERY thing I eat - best plan is to log what you plan to eat before you eat it! It takes some time at first - especially building all your recipes with ingredients, but it gets easier and faster. I go to "Curves" four times each week and walk/jog the other three days and participate in a 5K once a month! When I began a year ago I weighed 232.4 pounds and couldn't walk to the mailbox without resting. Slow and steady - you CAN do it!
  • jmart53
    jmart53 Posts: 47
    Hi Stacey, I just started back up again a few weeks ago. I have tried so many different things, only to put the weight back on again. With this program it's a little slower coming off but it works. You will really like all the praise and support you get from your friends. It's great to have other people in your situation that know what your going through. the Motivation and support from everyone is amazing.
    Good luck on your journey and please feel free to friend me if you like.
  • Thanks for the support! So far this really does seem like it just might work for me! I've only just started a few days ago, but I have high hopes!