Need motivation ...

Ok, so I know a lot of you may have tried diets and stuff before your actual success.
Well, what made you actually succeed ?!

I need motivation.
I know a lot of people say to me that once you see results & feel results, that will be motivation.
Well, I have lost weight multiple times.
A few months back, I had lost almost 40 pounds.
Eating right, gym almost everyday, but then I don't know what happened.
One thing lead to another & I gained it all back.

I'm sure that I'm not the only one.
But I just want to succeed.
Maybe I deprive myself ?
Lack of support too, as I don't have many friends cheering me on, nor family.

I'm not sure, but I want to keep going, not get somewhere, and then fail ...
Maybe I have a fear of actually being successful.
I do not know ...
Thoughts ?


  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    For my story-

    multiple attempts and diets to lose weight, some with short term success, all ending in gaining the weight back(+some in many cases).

    I think a couple of factors have made this time different:
    -I lost both my parents within 3 months of each other(they were only 64- cancer and aneurysm claimed them)
    -I started to think more about getting healthy and in shape, not focusing on losing weight and what the scale said
    -A gym opened up a block from work. I started going 3 times a week, and after a few months 5 times a week.
    -I realized the importance of being patient. I didn't get up to 180lbs over night, the weight was not gonna come off that fast either.
    -I was fortunate to meet a trainer at the gym who gave me the biggest gift: the ability to believe in myself.

    You have to do it for you. Make small changes that you can live with and build on them. It will happen! Be patient!