How I motivate myself: Don't Break the Chain

I saw a thread earlier which showed a cute way to visualize your success (here is the thread if you are interested and it reminded me of how I keep myself motivated. I do something called Don't Break the Chain. Everytime I reach my exercise goal and MFP logging goal for the day I make a mark on my calendar. This mark creates the chain and I will try not to break it. I originally got the idea from LifeHacker:

Here is my calendar for April/May. The green lines are for exercise (I am trying to start exercising on weekends starting in June). The blue lines are for logging MFP. I didn't start with MFP until halfway through April though =(




  • Love the calendar AND the jars!!!! I'm going to use them both! :-)
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I'm going to set up the jars this weekend. The calendar really helps to motivate me to get my butt to the gym.
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    I love "Don't Break the Chain"! I kind of view logging in on MFP that way... I love knowing that I've done it for 42 days w/o a break. Definitely helps you keep motivated to not 'drop" a day.

    Soon, I'll have to do this with exercise. Can't seem to get in a groove there.

    :) Thanks for sharing!