How many of you blew it today????



  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    when you say you blew it 500 calories does that mean you went over the net calories (say I'm supposed to eat 1,200 calories but i really 1,500) or is it after exercise in the Calories remaining (does it say -500)?
  • RunningRatty
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    I didn't even count today! That is how bad I did! This has actually been a hard couple of weeks. I'm hoping to get my head back in the game soon!
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    SO FAR, SO GOOD!!! I left without breakfast but got a yogurt and banana right away. Then ran my errands and came home for a nice turkey wrap. Then I worked out for 80 minutes doing a new weight routine, my regular weight routine, and 600 calories on the elliptical. My friend made dinner, white rice, pork roast, and a vegetable stew. I measured everything and ate what I wanted. I have 700 calories left to consume, pleanty of fat and carbs. I did however, not get enough fiber today. Those are the items I track. My hubby came home with a package of Lillie Belle chocolates, which you should look up when you are at goal and order some because they make the most unusual chocolates and they are organic and original. I haven't looked up the nutrition yet but I might be able to squeeze one in. MMMMMMMM
  • kitty1256
    I was actually doing really well today....only went 42 calories over (which is good for me...I've been working on lowering my calories for a week now and I am getting lower every day).


    I got home after a stressful day today and decided it was a good idea to have a late night snack of potato chips and coca cola! oops! at least I have tomorrow, right?
  • tiliquinones
    Yesterday my co-workers and I had decided we would treat ourselves for Valentine's Day going out to lunch. So I had it in my head all day and this morning and I didn't want to go over my calories. I had a low-calorie breakfast ( 3 egg whites w/ 2 slices of turkey bacon & half a grapefruit) and took some snacks to work ( instant oatmeal, a banana, 3 turkey slices & sugar-free Jello) We decided to go to Olive Garden, so before we headed out there I looked up the nutrition info and decided on a meal that would not take me over my calories. When I got to the restaurant I knew exactly what I wanted and didn't eat anything more or less then what I had planned to eat. I still had a good Lunch though ( Shrimp Primavera, salad and half a breadstick and to drink , only water! that saved me a ton of calories) :wink:
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    Haha. Was actually my birthday, so I gave myself a cheat day, and planned on eating every horrible thing I could possibly think of, looked forward to it all month, woke up kind of sick, and didn't want any of it! :laugh:

    I can't decide if I'm sad because I was looking forward to the food so much, or relieved 'cause I don't have to feel bad. :tongue:
  • breakingthepath
    I had a McDonald's breakfast because of Momma's surgery in the morning, went overboard on the hospital food at about four, and then my boyfriend took me out for dinner. It was bad, but not quite two days of calories in one bad.
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    yep i had a terrible day following a terrible week! Have been so busy and planned to exercise (and ate the extra caloreis) and then didnt have time! plus i'm away for 3 days and i cant really avoid eating out but never mind i guess i'll just have to try harder when i get back. feeling pretty down about it right now though!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    It could have been a really bad day if it wasn't for it being Lent as well....where I give up all snacks junkfood and desserts or any kind....I do it every year and I'm used to it and believe it or not it only has a few days when its Valentine's Day when I see those delicious carmel chocolate turtles favs!

    I was really tired so hubby and I decided to just cook dinner instead of going out and we made fajitas...omg sooo good, filling and light! I was really satisfied....we were going to have wine too which may have put me over but I was tired and didn't want to ya know... fall asleep on the poor guy LOL:blushing:

    Hubby had our son make me a beautiful card which was like a zillion times better than any box of chocolate IMO! lol

    well for those who did go over....don't sweat it....or actually do sweat it OFF! & one day is not the end of the world just a beginning of a new day of motivation!!!
    hugs to all!:flowerforyou:
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    Me too. My wife wasn't feeling well so we didn't go out to dinner. I had just been smashed in the mouth while wrestling with my son and didn't feel like cooking diner. Instead, I wiped out a bag of chips with salsa and sour cream then ate way too much frozen pizza.

    To make matter worse, the gym was inexplicably closed when I got there this morning so I had to go back home to get ready for work and I didn't get to work out. OTOH, I brought my mountain bike, running shoes and tennis racket to work so I know I'll be able to do something active this afternoon. I am re-doubling my efforts to get back on track today!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    when you say you blew it 500 calories does that mean you went over the net calories (say I'm supposed to eat 1,200 calories but i really 1,500) or is it after exercise in the Calories remaining (does it say -500)?

    Yes, 500 over, after exercise...but I feel better today especially after reading your posts and knowing that I was not alone in my "shame". :bigsmile: But today is another day, I feel better. Got on my treadmill this morning for one hour and had a delicious and healthy breakfast, oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts Yummy!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!! (the Godiva's are right behind me right now screaming my name...depending on how I do today I will allow myself one piece!!) :happy:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Hey guys just think of it this way -

    You have a daily food debt of 500 calories (if you are on the pound a week plan)

    If you go over by 500 calories you are staying the same weight - this will be your maintenance plan.
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I could not find the nutrition information for my Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate, I'll have to write them, but I was pretty confident that one piece would not be 742 calories, so I had one last night before bedtime and it never tasted better. I love the really odd things so it's a soft chocolate that melts in your mouth with a hint of real blue cheese--not just the flavor--in the mix. Sounds like something in a Harry Potter Jelly Bean, I know, but they are wonderful and I appreciated that my husband went through the effort to get it for me. I have my sister up for the week end, we're going to the zoo, then a rugby game and birthday tomorrow, so I'll have to work out extra hard tonight and Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday, but I'm going to take a lunch and snack with me to the zoo and to the game so I'm going to try my best to stay within some reasonable numbers. Wish me luck....
  • monicakelly21
    Blew it....drank last night and ate some greasy delicious food for brekkie....and now I am going to have pizza!!