c25k-- outside vs. treadmill... the quandary.

I started my c25k on the treadmill and found that while it kept me on track as far as not slacking on speed, it was quite boring.
I did the first day of week 2 today, outside, using a window's app to help me with the timing. It was so much more enjoyable, running and walking through neighborhoods and the park... BUT i averaged 3.7 mph.... Should I try to push myself to run faster... does it even matter?


  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    It is definitely more difficult to run outside. I wouldn't worry about your speed at this point. Endurance is more important and speed will come later. I actually started the C25K program outside and finished the last 7 days inside on a treadmill as the weather wasn't cooperating. Just ran outside the other day for the first time in awhile and I really felt the difference.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    100% outside.... I get so bored on the treadmill....
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    Ive tried doing it both on the treadmill and outdoors. I noticed that i burn alot more calories when I go it outside and my heart rate gets alot higher. Not sure why though.
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    Ive tried doing it both on the treadmill and outdoors. I noticed that i burn alot more calories when I go it outside and my heart rate gets alot higher. Not sure why though.

    seriously! I was huffing and puffing way more outside today then I was on the treadmill... even though my stats say I ran more slowly.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Just take it one step at a time and work on endurance first then speed. I posted in another thread, this is my last week of my 2nd time doing the program. I did it the first time on a treadmill and when I started again outside it was as if I had never ran before. The elements are completely different and your body does work harder. I don't think I could ever run on a treadmill again. I love it outside!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I actually finished it on the treadmill and had to start completely over when I started running outside. Completely different beasts. Lol. But running outside is so much more enjoyable.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I haven't done the C25K myself, but honestly, whenever I pick back up on running after a break, I don't worry about speed initially; I focus on distance first, and then let the speed come when the distance increases. And like others have said, treadmill work is a completely different feel than running outside. Heck, when I drag myself onto the treadmill (I hate them, but sometimes, they're a necessary evil), I kill speed and can average some awesome times. But those never translate outside, so I don't even compare the two.
  • grayprae
    grayprae Posts: 109 Member
    I read something that said being outside burns 5% more caliores b/c of your body weight pushing aginst the ground and the weather
  • scooterist
    scooterist Posts: 17
    Horses for courses - do whatever feels right. I did C25K on the treadmill.

    Starting at 130kg/286lbs I didn't think my knees would appreciate tarmac. I kept myself motivated by creating a run/walk playlist on my ipod.

    Got bored of C25K in week 6 and felt capable of running longer so abandoned it and just ran. Didn't get anywhere near 5K in 30 minutes of course but after another couple of weeks ran 37 minutes and nailed it. A few weeks more and I'm doing 6 or 7K, have managed 10K and got a best 5K time of 30.20

    What I like least about the treadmill is the clock. Laying a towel over it helps - just get some tunes on and zone out.

    Once I reached 5K and a steady pace I added 1% incline to make me work a bit harder for a few runs and last week a friend took me out for 5K outside which I did in 32.30.

    Saturday I'm doing my first Parkrun 5K and hope to notch an official time.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    It is more difficult to run outside, and even then that can very depending on the surface. Trail running is hard than side walk and sidewalk is harder than asphalt.

    I'd run on a variety of different surfaces, because you will probably encounter different surfaces at your 5ks.

    And don't forget to train on hills :smile: You will get faster and learn to appreciate flater surfaces.
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I run outside. There are hills and i think its much more of a workout even if I'm not going as fast. I save the gym for my off days.
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    I know this is going to be a problem. I've done mine on the treadmill due to having the clock there and being able to track myself more easily. I'm on step 5 and progressing nicely...on the treadmill. My first outdoor run is a 2-mile run this Saturday for my city's annual festival. It isn't a 5K so I feel a bit more confident, but I'm still nervous.
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I run outside. There are hills and i think its much more of a workout even if I'm not going as fast. I save the gym for my off days.

    This. I do the dreadmill only when I am desperate and can't stand the thought of being outside because of the weather.
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Running outside is more work than a treadmill (even if you aren't going as fast) because there are slight changes in terrain, incline, etc that your body is taking into account and compensating for. You might not be able to see them but unless you are running outside on a regulation track they are there.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Running outside is more work than a treadmill (even if you aren't going as fast) because there are slight changes in terrain, incline, etc that your body is taking into account and compensating for. You might not be able to see them but unless you are running outside on a regulation track they are there.
    Also because you need the tension of your foot against the ground to push you forward instead of maintaining one spot on a moving belt. The better equivalent of running outside is setting the treadmill at a slight incline (I usually do 0.5 when I run inside). Otherwise the movement of the belt at no incline is really more like running a slight constant downhill.
  • jporte
    jporte Posts: 164 Member
    I tried the treadmill for the first time last week and didn't mind it...it was nice having water handy, did not like seeing myself in the mirrors though ....normally I do the track at the community center near my house and I love it because they have the airconditioner cranked up. I ran outside once and barely made it (I think it W1D2 though). I will try outside again maybe this weekend but go on the main road because it is much flatter than the plan I live in. I'm only on W2D3 though so I have a ways to go.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Complete the program however you'd like. Run outside when you can, and inside when you can't. Don't worry about speed. Once you've completed the program start doing HIIT and that should improve your speed. Or at least that's what I've heard and what I plan on doing LOL.
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 342 Member
    When I first started running, I ran in my neighborhood, which has a lot of hills. I could only go a couple of blocks before I was huffing and puffing. I did this for about two weeks, and then I had to go out of town. Since it was rainy the whole week I was there, I went down to the hotel's workout room and hopped on the treadmill, and I realized that running on the treadmill was a breeze! I hardly broke a sweat and was running 5.5 mph for several miles. The interesting thing is, once I got back home and was able to run outside again, it seemed tons easier after my treadmill experience. So treadmiling it either helped me to overcome a mental block, or it helped me with my endurance. Either way, I'm glad I have the comparison.
  • kmel2479
    kmel2479 Posts: 102 Member
    From my own personal experience I would say to start outside if you can. I was on week 6 of C25K on the treadmill and was doing well then went outside for a run and had to do week 5 to be able to manage. It is much different outside and I feel like if you can do it outside you are only going to get stronger quicker because it is harder. Then the treadmill will probably seem like a breeze. At least this is what I am hoping! I have also heard of putting the incline on a treadmill up to 1.0 to mimic outdoor running a little bit more. Good luck in whatever you decide, I think consistency is the key!
  • bck80
    bck80 Posts: 81 Member
    i too did the C25K on treadmill and went up to week 5. then i stopped a couple of weeks, and wanted to try and run outside for the FIRST time. i actually started from week 2 day 1..... it was TORTURE!!!! i almost died, i couldnt breath, almost fainted.
    i stopped since then if any of you has advice on runing outside for first timers, please HELP!! there is nothing i want more than being able to run, it so much fun and i realy enjoy it ( when i go for walks) sad: