:happy: I'm new to exercising and my goal is to weight 135 I am currently 199 and I started out 213 but what exercises should I be doing? I cant run because I have severe asthma but what else can I do I cant go to the gym, my parents cant afford a gym membership and I dont have any dumb bells here at home so no equiptment work outs any advice would be greatly appretiated :happy:


  • stephanie1133
    stephanie1133 Posts: 211
    You can walk. You can do body weight exercises (search for that on youtube and you will get a ton of how to's).

    I also have asthma, I have worked up to running.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    There's no need for a gym membership or expensive equipment. You can do resistance training using water or milk jugs or anything heavy enough that you can hold onto easily. You can also use rubber tubing or bands. You can also use your own body weight with push ups, crunches, pull ups, squats, wall sitting, leg raises, etc. For calves do heel raises on a piece of 2x4 or a step. If you don't have joint problems you can also walk up and down stairs or use the bottom stair for step exercises. Look around your house and get creative.

    If you want weights or other equipment try, I see lots of people giving away their barely used equipment.
  • fullofsmiles04
    fullofsmiles04 Posts: 158 Member
    Walk, push ups, sit ups/crunches, exercise videos on cable tv or on youtube, turn the radio or your ipod on and dance, take stairs, you can do anything that will keep you MOVING! :)
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    You do not need equipment or a gym membership. Walk. As you start to feel better and shed pounds, you will find other ways to incorporate variety into your exercise. But for now variety is not necessary. Just consistency, so walk most days of the week and keep logging.
  • margaretbrooks
    Besides all the other good posts on here you can do workout videos get them from the library or look online for free workout videos on youtube and what-not
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Walk, dance, look for workouts online. I don't belong to a gym, the only money my exercise costs me is new running shoes once or twice a year, plus workout clothes (which I buy at target, they aren't very pricey).

    If you really want to run, ask your doctor if you can give it a try, and start gradually introducing some running intervals into your walk (if your doc says it is OK!).
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    squats are great
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    walk, dance, mow the grass, ride a bike, hoola hoop.just keep moving :drinker:
  • jenslife82
    jenslife82 Posts: 229
    Yoga!!! I can't wait to start it! I'm going to use it to fill in my off days :)
  • titsnstuff
    titsnstuff Posts: 27
    Dancing is a great way to burn calories. A lot of cities have open ballroom dances with beginner classes before hand that you can attend. You meet a ton of people, learn a cool dance, burn lots of calories, and have a great time doing it.
  • KendraLoveless
    Walk walk walk!!!! And when ever you get groceries at the store, bang out 2 sets of 10 reps of arm/bicep curls. You can do chest presses with a half full laundry basket. Park further from the entrances of stores, work and home, to get more steps in. You can get a simple pedometer for 10-20. If you can do that, just aim from 8-10k steps a day. You can do it!!!