Need New Support friends

Im off to a great start with my weight loss goal but have hit a plateau and have just now started working out at the gym. I usually do good the first couple days but tend to loose interest in working out after that. So just looking to have a good support group when needed. Also wouldnt mind finding anyone from the Janesville Wisconsin area that needs a workout partner.


  • gaschwartz
    gaschwartz Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me as a friend. I like to push around the weights, and if you make it to the Minnesota side of the border, I would be more than happy to workout with you.
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    Some times you have to mess around with your calories.
  • dwhite1980
    dwhite1980 Posts: 5 Member
    mrs_deg unfortunatly i can not mess around with my calories or anything with my diet program due to where im going for my weight loss. otherwise I would LOVE to be able to mess with my calories but the program im on has helped me lose 47 lbs in 8 wks without exercise besides normal daily routine. Thats why I joined the gym so i can get over this plateau which im sure in every weight loss program you have that plateau where you dont lose anything for a few weeks. I just lose interest after about a week going to the gym as i have joined 3 differnt gyms in the past 3 yrs and thats why im reaching out on here to hopefully have that extra person/persons that may have gone thru what i have ... But thanks for your information :)
  • creativeautumn
    creativeautumn Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. Im autumn....i saw the topic was 'need new support friends. so i thought i would say Hi. :) im new to this awesome site!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    mrs_deg unfortunatly i can not mess around with my calories or anything with my diet program due to where im going for my weight loss. otherwise I would LOVE to be able to mess with my calories but the program im on has helped me lose 47 lbs in 8 wks without exercise besides normal daily routine. Thats why I joined the gym so i can get over this plateau which im sure in every weight loss program you have that plateau where you dont lose anything for a few weeks. I just lose interest after about a week going to the gym as i have joined 3 differnt gyms in the past 3 yrs and thats why im reaching out on here to hopefully have that extra person/persons that may have gone thru what i have ... But thanks for your information :)

    Are you doing Dr. B? 47 lbs in 8 weeks?! EEK! Oftentimes plateaus happen because you've eaten so little your metabolism has slowed down to match your intake. How much do you eat in a day?
  • dwhite1980
    dwhite1980 Posts: 5 Member
    im going to a place called "Medi Thin" Besides following their program I also get B12 injections weekly along with taking multi vitamins. and as far as my metabolism slowing down thats what i figured along with my doctor so the last week I changed my eating habits just to as my doctor says trick my body to thinking im back to eating normal again and I am now back on my diet plan. But have started working out to help keep things going well hopefully
  • gabigoz67
    gabigoz67 Posts: 7
    Looking for mutual support and help, even just someone to have a nice conversation about fitness :) add me!