Thinking about the 30 Day Shred

I'm thinking about starting the 30 Day Shred soon, but I don't have the DVD yet.
I am also greatly out of shape. (Although working on fixing that!) Does anyone have any tips or pointers?


  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I do like 30DS. You can take it at your own pace. But I have heard it can be hard on the knees for some (I was fine). Also Jillian gets a lot of crap but I like her. The vids are all on YouTube I believe.
  • StrawberrySuzyQ
    StrawberrySuzyQ Posts: 107 Member
    I'm thinking about starting the 30 Day Shred soon, but I don't have the DVD yet.
    I am also greatly out of shape. (Although working on fixing that!) Does anyone have any tips or pointers?

    Once you get it watch level one once before actually doing it. I'm not going to lie: the first time I tried it I thought I was going to die and I could not make it to day three. If you are greatly out of shape you are going to want to quit. That is a fact. But DON'T! I know she says there are no such things as "cheater" jumping jacks, but if you can't do the regular ones, take a breather and do it half way until you can get through it.

    Thursday, May 31 is day 7 of Level 1 for me. I am determined to see it through although I'm scared to move on to Level 2 in a few days.

    My BEST advice for you is to do level 1 until it doesn't hurt anymore. That being said, if you must do level one for 30 days, then do level one for 30 days. You will still get results and you will get yourself ready for level two. But don't feel you must immediately go to level two after 10 days. Do what is best for YOUR body. And don't beat yourself up if you have to forgo a day because you hurt too much. Just get back in the groove the next day and keep going.

    Let us know how it works for you! I'm excited to see the results at the end of my 30 days. I already feel MUCH stronger and my muscles do not ache nearly as much.
  • StrawberrySuzyQ
    StrawberrySuzyQ Posts: 107 Member
    I do like 30DS. You can take it at your own pace. But I have heard it can be hard on the knees for some (I was fine). Also Jillian gets a lot of crap but I like her. The vids are all on YouTube I believe.

    I did not care for the yoga mat that I got with the weights (I bought the mat and weights and got the video free). I went out and bought a set of gym mats from Wal-mart that are made to go under workout equipment. They are thicker and less painful as I do my workouts in the basement on the concrete floor.
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    Level one is on YouTube so you can try it to see if you like it. I loved it and bought the DVD it's very cheap if you hunt round.
    I did it 30 days straight and saw a big improvement in my strength and fitness. Day one it was ok I did all the modified moves and really enjoyed it. It got harder as the days went on and I stuck with it and lost inches not weight. I had a problem with my knees but modified the jumping jacks and other exercises which were hard on the knees and after a couple of days they were fine. I am starting it again today this time I am only going to do it for 3/4 days then take a rest day. Your body needs it to recover. I am also going to start a level or again and keep going till I can do the unmodified moves. Let me know how you get on.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    All the levels are on Vimeo. Each level is supposed to be 10 days. You can do more or less if you need to.

    Level 1:
    Level 2:
    Level 3
  • EmpathyBot
    EmpathyBot Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice. =)

    StrawberrySuz- i watched it on youtube, and it looks do-able. Intense, but do-able. =) That's a good tip about doing each level for as long as I need to.

    sttrinians- I love that your picture is of Adipose! And planning in a rest day sounds smart too!

    laurensayz- Oh, thank you! That will make it a bit easier until I can invest in the DVD!