29yo Mom of 2 Toddlers, needing Support!

Hi! I'm an Army Wife and (almost) 29 year old mother of 2 girls. Ages 11 months and 3 and 1/2 years. I'm trying super hard to change my eating habits and to find different ways to deal with the stresses in my life to prevent the binges that I'm prone to.

I would love to have some friends in this community to help me to stay on track, to message me when they've seen that I haven't logged on in a few days, and to offer congrats when I've logged and exercised and the like.

If you're looking for someone like that as well then we'd be a great fit!

Thanks for reading my post! :smile:


  • A_Hornsby
    A_Hornsby Posts: 288
    Hey! Feel free to add me. I am a 28 year old mother of a one year old son. I will promise to keep you on track and offer encouragement if you promise the same!!! LOL
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 36, have 5 crazy kids of my own and although challenging at times, I am making sure to make time for myself! Mom's put others needs in front of our own, so we end up stressed out at the end of the day, and do things like binging, or drinking... LOL! Add me and I will be glad to support you!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm also 29 with 2 toddlers!

    ETA - I work full time :)
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    Feel free to add me. My son will be 4 saturday and my daughter is 10 months! Good luck!
  • nickii0216
    nickii0216 Posts: 8
    I'm a mom of one toddler and a high stress job! add me and let's encourage each other
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    Feel free to add me...27 yo mom of two, ages 5 and 2. :smile:
  • aliwitt82
    aliwitt82 Posts: 41
    Feel free to add me! I am a 29 year old mother of 2, 7 years and 4 years. I was an army wife for 8 years and know what that is like and to have to small children and being married to the army! Good luck and stay strong. Deployments were my down fall and where I gained all my weight!
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    I am 37 years old almost. and a single mom of a soon to be 10 year old daughter. all you moms are welcome to add me
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I'm a mom of one toddler and a high stress job! add me and let's encourage each other

    This is me as well. A very active toddler, a demanding job and a hectic social life with friends & family. I have learned to be flexible with my workout schedule. Please feel free to add me for support :smile:
  • carieblack619
    carieblack619 Posts: 26 Member
    I am 30 yrs old and a mother of 5 children. My husband and I are on a mission to lose weight together. I would love to have more support. You can add me.
  • JilianneNicole
    JilianneNicole Posts: 116 Member
    I am an almost 30 yr old SAHM of 3 boys! Feel free to add me or anyone else for that matter!! I am on everyday and try to be as encouraging as I can!
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I've got 5 kids and I'm 34. I'm also trying to change my eating habits and get into a good workout routine.
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    Any mom feel free to add me. I am on here every single day and am on day 24 of Insanity.

    I am 29 and a mom to 5 ages 6,5,3,2 and 9mths.....4 girls and 1 boy

    I love giving and receiving support/motivation.
  • shocktastic
    shocktastic Posts: 106 Member
    Hi there, feel free to add me to your friends..I would love to help motivate you and could use some encouragement in return..I am a mom of a very sweet but strong willed 3 yr old girl and a very smart beautiful laid back 5 yr old boy!! And my life gets crazy at times and I just want to finally shed this extra weight!! Cheers to both of us for starting this journey!! I just turned 38 yesterday and I can't believe how I have let myself go!! It's time for a change!:smile:
  • TChester_05
    TChester_05 Posts: 83 Member
    PLEASE add me too!!! This would be so helpful! I'm 28 also a mom of a toddler, working on my MBA, working full time and in need of losing like 60 lbs! I'm going to send you an invite and I look forward to sharing the support and encouragement!

    P.S. my "friend" is in the military and deploys in August for a year after which we are discussing marriage. It would be extra nice to have a weight loss buddy who understands the military world as a wife.

    And everyone else on here the offer extends as well would love new friends!
  • JenniLisette
    JenniLisette Posts: 132
    HEY THERE! I'm 29 (just hit 29 in may) and mommy of a 12 y/o, 9 y/o, 5 y/o and 1 y/o .... and i work full time an hour away from home so i know what hectic is. getting home by 630 tryin to get dinner ready, eat, prepare kids for tmrw and around10:30 when i'm out of energy fit in 30 minutes of cardio.. phewww tired thinking about it :yawn: