Late Night Snack Intervention...saved by a yellow dress :)

Im a late night snacker which i've tried to cut back on. So last night was tuff..OMG! I was on edge to raid the cabinets. Then a vision of my yellow dress i have yet to wear ..(btw it has an cute elastic waist with a slim belt ..oohh the pressure!) appeared in my mind. Suddenly the desire to snack left. Wow! It helped, I thought. As this is something i dont normally do to keep myself from eating. So i thought I would share...and would like to know other interventions that keeps you from going overboard or from late night snacking.


    QUEENPINKSPARKLE1965 Posts: 64 Member
    that is so cute .. I so proud of myself this habit is gone.. I totally had trouble sleeping last night and I did not touch a single thing.. although the thought of cereal did cross my mind once.. :drinker: :heart:
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    I tell myself that it would take more energy to get up and wake myself up enough to eat whatever it is I really don't want or need than to keep laying here and fall asleep. Repeat to myself "Nothing tastes better than thin feels"
  • mburger84
    mburger84 Posts: 19 Member
    Great idea! i tend to snack later in the day too, always looking for tips to avoid it.